
75. It’s not worth… 不值得……

The film isn’t very good. It’s not worth seeing.

76. It’s the first time… 这是第一次……

It’s the first time he has driven a car.

77. It’s time… 是时候做……

It’s late. It’s time we went home.

It’s time we took better care of the environment.

78. It looks like… 看上去……

It looks like it’s going to be a dreary day.

79. It might… 可能会……

It might rain. We’d better take an umbrella.

80. Maybe you should… 我想你应该……

Maybe you should quit smoking.

Maybe you should ask someone for directions.

81. might as well… 不防/不如……

I am so tired. We might as well get a taxi.

It's so late, we might as well forget about seeing the movie.

82. not…any more / longer. 不再……

Ann doesn’t work here any more / longer. She left last month.

83. not…until… 直到……才……

I didn’t get up until half past ten.

I didn’t believe you until it was too late!
