英语听力:自然百科 冰冻星球 前往地球尽头—18(在线收听

 The relative of the woodlouse is the size of dinner plate. And this so- called sea spider has legs that expand half a meter. Now it's explorer's own revealing other worlds that lie hidden beneath the ice on land. These smoking tars are the gateway to a network of caves. Each contains extraordinary assembly of ice cystals, unlike any other on earth. Like snow flakes, every cystal is unique. Some are taller than a man. Others are thought to barbor life seeded by strange bacteria that thrive in this extreme conditions. 

The breeze, the gently swaying of these cystals, isn't possible for making them. It's steam, from remote heart of Mount Alps, the most subtly volcano on our planet. It's now a thought that ice caves fringing this creator, may even be a home for hitherto unknown life forms. From this oasis of warmth at the edge of the continent, our journey continues inland towards the South Pole. The first great hurdle, is the formidable Transantarctic Mountain Range. We're following the route taken by Scott and Amundsen, as they struggled to become the first humans to reach the South Pole.