美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-05-14(在线收听

 1. Voting took a bloody turn in one town in Ukraine Sunday when national guardsmen opened fire on a crowd outside the town hall. There are reports of death, but not how many. Results of the voting in a twin referendum on sovereignty is not expected until Monday. 

2. Christians in Nigeria’s capital are praying for the girls abducted by radical Islamics group Boko Haram. At the Sunday’s catholic mass, the priest asked god to touch the hearts of the perpetrators of this crime. 
3. The Washington Monument reopens to the public Monday for the first time since it was damaged in a 2011 earthquake. More than 150 cracks have been repaired in its white marble and new exhibits have been installed at the top. 
4. And a drunken man was rescued from the top of the famed Sydney Opera House. The rescue operation lasted more than one hour as the man had to be convinced first by police officers to come down. 