
  BERLIN, June 5 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday met with Ukrainian president-elect Petro Poroshenko and pledged support for Ukraine's future development.

  Speaking at a joint press conference with visiting Poroshenko, Merkel praised the "fair and free election" held at the end of May in Ukraine, saying it was a "pan-Ukrainian poll" which was also accepted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe according to its standards.

  Merkel said Ukraine is still facing difficulties and Germany wants to be "very helpful" in this situation.

  Merkel promises German support for Ukraines development

  She promised that Germany will provide Ukraine help in its efforts to secure a good economic development in the country as well as peaceful and safe living conditions for Ukrainian people.

  The chancellor also called on Russia to support Ukraine's efforts to keep its territorial integrity and responding to the needs of different parts of Ukrainian people.

  Poroshenko thanked Merkel for Germany's constant support for Ukraine's efforts to integrate into the European Union and the economic reform in the country.

  Future priorities will be put on tasks such as fight against corruption, judicial reform as well as decentralization of Ukraine, he said.

  Poroshenko noted that new possibilities to make a program for calming tensions in eastern Ukraine are expected after a new president was elected, expressing at the same time also hope for Germany's help for his country in the future. 


