J.R.R. Tolkien and A Legend He Created(在线收听

J.R.R. Tolkien and A Legend He Created


Tolkien's grand themes would play out in the world of Middle Earth. It was a world created in his head but 1)imbued with his two greatest loves -- languages and 2)mythology -- loves that were 3)ignited by his mother.

Tolkien Expert: She knew French and German and Latin. She encouraged him to enjoy language; not only to study language, but to enjoy language. She got him to thinking about language.

   4)Linguistics would be Tolkien's constant 5)obsession. As a child, he spent days locked away in his room creating languages. 

Tolkien Expert: While a lot of children invent languages of their own, nonsense languages, Tolkien took this to the max. He took it very seriously and invented his own language which he called Nafereen. 

   Years later, his self-described "mad hobby" would find its way into The Lord of the Rings. 

"When he saw Strider, he 6)dismounted and ran to meet him, calling out, 'Ai na vedui Dúnadan! Mae govannen'. His speech and clear ringing voice left no doubt in their hearts the rider was of the Elven folk." (The Fellowship of the Ring, page 204)

   As Tolkien 7)scribbled out chapter after chapter of Rings in his barely legible handwriting, his real life experiences began to influence his writing. His days in the English countryside, the lessons of his Catholic upbringing, and especially his horrific time spent in battle during World War I would also find its way onto the pages of his new novel.

Christopher Lee ("Sarumen"): And there's a scene where you see Hobbits - they go through the dead 8)marshes and they see all the dead faces staring up at them through the water, as a result of these terrible battles, that was actually based on Tolkien's own experiences in World War I when he saw these 9)appalling massacres of soldiers, which took place in battlefields. 

   "I saw them. 10)Grim faces and evil, and noble faces and sad. Many faces proud and fair, and 11)weeds in their silver hair. But all foul, all rotting, all dead."  (The Two Towers, page 614)

   In 1940, Tolkien's publisher, Allen and Unwin, eagerly awaited the new Hobbit book.  However, Tolkien's pursuit of perfection slowed the process. 

Tolkien Expert: He was a 12)perfectionist, so that he would write, push to one side, rewrite, push to one side, rewrite, but it was as if he always had to start from the beginning again every time. 

   Tolkien was writing not a book, but a history of Middle Earth that was rich with detail. 

Elijah Wood ("Frodo"): These books were written with such depth and 13)density and sort of attention to detail, that they almost seem like history. Like you can read them and almost believe they really happened. 

   Sure, even the smallest detail was scrutinized. He created maps, charts and an 14)appendix the size of most books. In Tolkien's mind, he wasn't just creating a fantasy world, but an ancient mythology for England. It is this eye for detail that separated Tolkien's work from that of other fantasy writers and forever changed the 15)genre. 

Tolkien Expert: He gave fairy tale a kind of geography and a map, and a history, and a 16)chronology, and a whole world in which to exist and the worlds were connected up with each other. 

    His 17)dedication to detail, 18)workload at Oxford, and occasional lack of interest, caused the writing process to 19)drag on. Tolkien began to doubt whether he would ever finish. Encouragement would come from a 20)fellow member of the Oxford community, C.S. Lewis, a writer who would carve his own 21)niche in the world of fantasy writing with works like, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Over a 22)pint at the local pub, Tolkien began to share chapters of his new book with Lewis, who became 23)enthralled with the work. 

Tolkien Expert: Tolkien would never have finished The Lord of the Rings without Lewis' continuous encouragement. And Tolkien really needed somebody like that.

In 1949, twelve years after he had started, J.R.R.Tolkien sat on his attic bed. Using two fingers, he typed out a complete draft of Rings. The book contained dozens of characters, 62 chapters, and lots of pages. Rings was over 1,000 pages so the editors wanted to break it up into three volumes. 

Tolkien Expert: They had to talk him into publishing it as a 24)trilogy. He saw it as a single book, The Lord of the Rings.

The first volume of The Lord of the Rings, 25)entitled, The Fellowship of the Ring, was published in August of 1954. The final two volumes would be released over the next 14 months. To the author's dismay, many 26)interpreted the book as an 27)allegory for World War II. 

Tolkien Expert: He discouraged any sort of 28)allegorical reading where, as a one-for-one 29)correspondence between what's in the book and what's in the world, so that Tom Bonneville's neutral territory is not Switzerland and Mordor is not Nazi Germany.

    Rings proved to be a steady seller over the next decade. The income from book sales even allowed for Tolkien to take an early retirement from Oxford. The author 30)settled in, planning to spend a quiet retirement writing. Then, in the midst of the 31)turbulent 60's,   Rings was released in 32)paperback in the United States. Instantly, the book became a "must read" for 33)disillusioned college students across the country. 

Tolkien Expert: First of all as an anti-war book, this was the era when 34)resistance to the Vietnam War was growing, especially on college campuses.

Tolkien Expert: The readers were primarily those who had been dropping away from mainstream society. And they happened to meet Tolkien in the woods of Middle Earth. 

     By 1968, the book had sold over three million copies and made an 35)unwanted 36)cult hero out of its quiet and reserved author. 

Tolkien Expert: Tolkien was quite horrified by many aspects of the "37)hippie" adoption of, I mean, "drug culture" ? Tolkien just wouldn't know anything about that! 

     Over the next several years, The Lord of the Rings would reach all corners of the globe. It would be translated into over 25 languages, 38)dissected in college classrooms, and sung about in pop songs. Generation after generation would connect with the book's themes and see them through the 39)prism of their time.









他一看到大步,就翻下马来迎着大步跑上去,一边大声喊着Ai na vedui Dúnadan! Mae govannen(精灵语)。他的话语和那金铃般的嗓音使他们确信无疑,来者是精灵族。(《魔戒再现》第204页)
























1) imbue [im5bju:] v. 浸透

2) mythology [mi5WClEdVi] n. 神话

3) ignite [i^5nait] v. 点燃

4) linguistics [liN5^wistiks]n. 语言学

5) obsession [Eb5seFEn] n. 迷恋

6) dismount [dis5maunt] v. 下马

7) scribble out 信手写来,匆匆写下

8) marsh [mB:F] n. 沼泽

9) appalling [E5pC:liN]a. 令人震惊的

10) grim [^rim] a. 严酷的

11) weed [wi:d] n. 野草

12) perfectionist [pE5fekFEnIst] n. 完美主义者

13) density [5densiti] n. 密度

14) appendix [E5pendiks] n. 附录

15) genre [VB:Nr]n. 流派

16) chronology [krE5nClEdVi] n. 年表

17) dedication [7dedi5keiFEn] n.奉献,专注

18) workload [5wE:klEud] n. 工作量

19) drag on 拖拉

20) fellow [5felEJ] n. 朋友,同事

21) niche [nitF] n. 神圣的或合适的地位

22) pint [paint] n. 品脱

23) enthrall [in5WrC:l] v. 迷惑

24) trilogy [5trilEdVi] n. 三部曲

25) entitle [in5taitl] v. 命名为

26) interpret [in5tE:prit] v. 认为是……意思

27) allegory [5Ali^Eri] n. 寓言

28) allegorical [7Ali5CrikEl] a. 寓言的

29) correspondence [7kCris5pCndEns] n. 相应

30) settle in 迁入新居并安顿好

31) turbulent [5tE:bjulEnt] a. 狂暴的,吵闹的

32) paperback [5peipEbAk] n. 平装本

33) disillusioned [7disi5lu:VEnd] a. 觉醒了的,醒悟了的

34) resistance [ri5zistEns] n. 反抗

35) unwanted [5Qn5wCntid] a. 多余的,讨厌的

36) cult [kQlt] n. 礼拜,一群信徒

37) hippie [5hipi:] n. 嬉皮士

38) dissect [di5sekt] v. 仔细研究

39) prism [5prizEm] n. 棱镜
