NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-05-13(在线收听

 In eastern Ukraine, pro-Russian activists claim for military results in independent votes today show 90% in favor of sovereignty. That meets a report of violence. But no independent observers monitoring the vote, it's hard to verity that claim. The vote which the Ukrainian government called illegal took place in 2 cities, Donetsk and Luhansk. NPR's Corey Flintoff went to Luhansk, compiled this reports. 

I interviewed a number of people at polling stations and they all said they'd voted in favor of the referendum. Several people told us that they'd fed up with government in Kiev and repeated, pretty much the same line used in Siang Russian television in this region which that the government in Kiev is led by Fascists and Neo-Nazism. 
NPR' Corey Flintoff is reporting. 
In Syria, an Al-Qaeda-linked group is gaining ground in the east of the country while battling yet another insurgent group. Susanna Georgia reports it comes after weeks of clashes that forced thousands to flee. 
The violence is mainly on the outskirts of Deir al-Zor in eastern Syria, and activists there @@ says resident feel trapped. 
"They're scared. Of course, they're scared."
Over scratch, skid connection, he says people there fear the extremism that this group could bring with them. Al-Qaeda has recently cut ties with one of the groups, the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria. But the other, the Nusra Front, is Al-Qaeda's official affiliate in Syria. Both groups are fighting to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, but have recently turn their guns on each other as they're vying for territory and resources. For NPR News, I'm Susanna George in Beirut. 
The Rome Catholic archbishop says Nigerians feel a sense of national shame over the kidnapping of over more 250 girls from their school by the Islamic military group, Boko Haram last month. Cardinal John Onaiyekan called the incident a national embarrassment. 
"I'm ashamed, and if I was in the government, I would be ashamed. I don't know they had told for themselves, but definitely it is shameful and that in the country like Nigeria, are we clear to be a very important country in Africa that this kind of things can't be happy? We're all embarrassed about it."
This weekend as the international released a report accusing the Nigerian government of not acting on knowledge of the imminent attack on the town where girls are kidnapped. 
Hot temperature and strong wind as officials in California worry about wildfires. Forecasts say it will be a hot and dry through mid-week with threat flood warning for fire and affected tomorrow night. Wind at coastal mountains near L.A. got the highest 73 miles an hour this morning. those winds cause some delays at Los Angeles' International Airport today. 
World markets. Asian markets are opening and trading in a mysteriously at last check. 
It's NPR News.
Forestry groups say they're worry about a looming shortage of loggers. It was a response Tennessee's Forestry Association and other groups that signed a letter of support for a federal bill allowing teenagers to start logging at the age of 16. Bobby Alan of Number Station WPLN in Nashville reports.
How these materials to pay for production fill Tennessee someone out of sight timber industry, but it's significant, bigger than Nashville entire music business and affect timber products generates some 21 billion dollars a year. At more a logger at Tennessee-Alabama border, says not enough being done to promote the trade. 
"I mean, I know I can tell you how many different loggers in the state, and I can account any member at the age of 50. And their kids don't want to take over this hard work."
Loggers and the industry economists say they understand why young people won't jump into the business. Lots of ups and downs, the necessary equipment is expensive fantasy dangerous. Supports say the bill calls the future logging career act, will help to kit start the next generation of loggings. For NPR News, I'm Bobby Alan in Nashville. 
A strong storm is seen in parts of Colorado and Wyoming today, dumping white heavy snow. Forecasts say condition could worsen overnight as temperatures fall. The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning was up 15-inch of snow possible at higher alleviations. Meteorologist Letter Cruidmens says heavy snow could bring down power alliance. 
"It's a very heave and powerful spring storm, so unfortunately all the trees that we've stalled already are gonna be holding on that snow. So that's our big impacts today."
In @@, thunder and some twisters were reported in Nebraska, today. 