
  Criticizing a Co-Worker
(Office ambience)
A: Hi Chen Hao. How are you today?
C: 还可以,不过工作上有点烦心事。
A: Anything I can help you with?
C: 我们组来了个新同事,叫Sue. 她很有创意。
A: Why is there an issue?
C: 虽然她很有能力,但是靠不住。
A: In what way?
C: 每次来开会,她事先都不做准备。
A: Does she know what is expected?
C: 那当然,我们每次都提前公布议事日程,布置每个人的任务,但是Sue每次都空着手来。
A: Does she have a reason for coming unprepared?
C: 她觉得没什么大不了。一开会,就会提出一大堆创意。
A: Tell me why this is a problem.
C: 问题是,为了她,我们每次上来还要重复开会的议题。她不做准备,结果是让我们大家浪费时间。
A: I hate to cut this short, but we are both going to be late. Can we continue this conversation later?
C: 好,一会儿见。
A: Tell me about your problem with Sue. You are the team leader. Have you talked to her about arriving unprepared?
C: 我作为小组组长,也找她谈过,但是没用,她找出各种理由,而且她确实很有工作能力,我也不想失去她。
A: Sounds to me as if you need to talk to your boss now.
C: 告诉老板?那不成打小报告了吗?
A: If you have handled things right up to this point and given Sue a chance to correct her behavior, you need support from upper management.
C: 有没有两全其美的办法,既能解决问题,又不对Sue构成伤害呢?
A: Do it as quickly as possible before the situation gets worse.
C: 去找老板之前,我需要征求其他同事的意见吗?
A: That will only create more conflict and conversation plus cause additional trouble for you and Sue.
C: 具体该怎么做?
A: Gather all your facts and documentation, making sure to separate any personal feelings from your professional opinions.
C: 这我知道,要如实说明情况,不能搀杂个人色彩。
A: When you approach your boss, give Sue credit for her talent and expertise before you mention her approach to team issues.
C: 好,还有呢?
A: Let your boss know what you have done to try to correct the problem and your ideas to correct the situation without losing Sue.
C: 我如果不去管它,情况会不会自己好起来呢?
A: It rarely does. You need to face the issue with your associate first as you already have. Since that has not worked, approach your boss and seek advice to resolve the issue to the benefit of all.
