The Peace of Green(在线收听

The Peace of Green

Green lies at the centre of the 1)spectrum and offers perfect balance. It is a harmonizing peaceful colour, the most 2)abundant colour of nature. It represents the cycle of life and death, growth and health. The Irish adopted it as a national colour, Americans made green the colour of money. Green has an edge though, in nature it represents life, in politics it suggests the danger of the death of the planet. Psychologists say that humans 3)instinctively flee to green when faced with too much stress or 4)trauma.

Not all greens are the same though. It can be an energy drainer and canny decorators avoid using too much lime and olive greens because of their association to sickliness and envy. It is the colour of self-esteem. Green is one of the most used colours in decoration, different shades evoke different eras. The 5)Georgians went for deep green, Napoleon loved brilliant green and the Victorians went for more 6)sedate olive shades. As a natural balance between the more powerful colours of red and blue, it works best in peaceful interiors, harmonizing effortlessly with the rest of the spectrum.

1) spectrum [5spektrEm] n. 光,光谱
2) abundant [E5bQndEnt] a. 丰富的,充裕的
3) instinctively [in5stiNktivli] ad. 本能地
4) trauma [5trC:mE] n. [医] 外伤,损伤
5) Georgian [5dVC:dVjEn] n. 乔治王朝时代的人
6) sedate [si5deit] a. 安静的,稳重的


