听歌学英语:我愿意 I Do(在线收听

听歌学英语:我愿意 I Do

Colbie Caillat受父亲(Ken Caillat)影响,从小接受古典钢琴训练,19岁时学习吉他,第一堂课结束就用吉他写下第一首歌曲。可是她的作品被音乐发行商看作是“陈词滥调”。喜爱音乐,却没有任何途径,于是她决定搬到夏威夷,改行作摄影师。2006年9月,蔻比在博客上发表单曲《Bubbly〔阳光微笑〕》和《The Little Things〔小事情〕》。动听的吉他伴奏加上她轻盈悦耳的嗓音,Colbie很快得到网民的偏爱及推崇。她的音乐打动了无数的听众,歌曲的点击量也打动了音乐发行商。

It's always been about me, myself, and I
I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew 'til I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can't live without it, I can't let it go. Oh what did I get myself into?
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do

Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say

I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
What more can I get myself into?
You make we wanna say
Me, a family, a house, a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you
And we'll remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do

Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you


1. Relationship: 关系;恋爱关系;
e.g: He got into another relationship just after he broke up with Mary.刚与Mary分手,他就又进入了另一段感情。
A good relationship is built on trust.一段好的感情是建立在信任的基础上的。

2. nothing but:只不过;仅仅;只有;只是
e.g: It seems you and I together can do nothing but shopping.你和我在一起好像除了购物就不能做点别的。
Nothing but a miracle can save her now.现在只有奇迹能够救她了。

3. a waste of (time): 浪费(时间)
e.g: It’s a waste of money to buy something that you already have.购买一些你已经有的东西简直是浪费金钱。

4. other half:另外一半
e.g: I’m not ready to find my other half now.目前我还没准备好寻找我的另一半。

5. Til: until 直到
6. Wanna: want to
7. Cause: coz; because

8. get (myself) into: 陷入;参与; 养成某种习惯
e.g: He got into trouble with the police while he’s still at school. 他还在上学的时候就与警察发生过纠葛。
I got into conversation with an Italian student. 我与一位意大利学生谈了起来。
Don’t’ let yourself get into bad habits. 别让自己养成一些坏的习惯。

9. let down: 放下;令失望;辜负
e.g: I have let my fans down.我让我的粉丝们失望了。
I won’t let you down, I promise. 我发誓我不会辜负你的。

10. get through:用完;耗尽;顺利通过
e.g: We got through a fortune while we were in New York! 在纽约的时候,我们花掉了一大笔钱。
He got through the examination.他通过了考试。

11. let go of: 放手;放松
e.g: Don’t let go of the rope.不要松开绳子。
Come on, enjoy the party and let yourself go.来吧,尽情地玩儿吧,玩个痛快吧。
