听歌学英语:如果我是个男孩 If I were a boy(在线收听


If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
Because they’d stick up for me
If I were a boy
I think that I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you loose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed!

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone that it's broken
So they think that I was sleeping alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’ll be faithful
Waiting for me to come home
If I were a boy
I think that I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you loose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed!
It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say it’s just a mistake
Think I'll forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought it wrong

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand (and you don’t understand)
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you’ll wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you've taken her for granted
And everything that you had got destroyed
But you’re just a boy…

I’d roll out of bed in the morning.早上我会从床上翻下来;
be on a roll:连连获胜;连续交好运
Don't stop me now--I'm on a roll.现在别阻止我,我正鸿运当头呢。

throw on:匆匆穿上
And throw on what I wanted.随便套上我想穿的衣服;
She just threw on the first skirt she found.她找到一件裙子就匆忙穿上了。
throw sth/sb off:摆脱;甩掉;匆匆脱掉
to throw off a cold/your worries.治好感冒;消除忧虑;
She entered the room and threw off her wet coat.她一进屋就脱掉了湿漉漉的大衣。

chase after sth/sb:追求;追赶
to chase after girls.追求女孩子;Girls are always chasing him.姑娘们总是在追求他。

I’d never get confronted for it.我不用负责/我不用直面这种事;
Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it.大多数人遇见马时都会轻轻地拍打它;
He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship.他要她在事业和恋爱中做出一个选择。

stick up for sb/sth:支持;捍卫
They’d stick up for me.他们会挺我;
Stick up for what you believe.要捍卫你的信仰;
She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.她教育子女在学校要勇于自卫。
stick up:突出
The branch was sticking up out of the water.树枝从水下伸了出来。
stick to sth:坚持做某事;维持
She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.在节食这件事上,她发现自己根本坚持不下去。
He promised to help us and he stuck to his word.他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。

take sth/sb for granted:认为…是理所当然
Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.丈夫随时都在身边,而她只是认为他理应如此。
take to sth:养成...的习惯;开始沉醉于
I've taken to waking up very early.我养成了早起的习惯。
She took to tennis as if she'd been playing all her life.她网球打得很好,好像一生都在从事这项运动。
take to sb:开始喜欢某人
I took to my new boss immediately.我立刻对新老板产生了好感。
What's his take on the plan?他对这项计划有什么意见?

eg: If I were a boy, I would drink beer with guys and chase after girls.假如我是男孩子,我会和男性朋友们喝啤酒并且追女仔。
I wish she were here.她要在这里就好了。
If I knew it is only a trap!我要是知道那是个陷阱该多好啊!
