听歌学英语:很有节奏感的说唱歌曲 Oh Aaron(在线收听

"Oh Aaron"这首歌记录的是歌手生活中的趣事,Aaron告诉他的朋友他有位哥哥也就是著名音乐团体后街男孩的成员之一,并许诺说他能帮他的朋友们拿到免费的演唱会门票。整首歌曲几乎是说唱的形式,唱的部分并不多,因此整首歌很适合用作听力练习,您也可以试着跟唱,培养节奏感和语感。

[Aaron:] Well, I guess the best way for me to begin is
The Other day I was hanging with some friends
Going around the room talking about our favorite noise
I said I had a brother in the Backstreet Boys
So everyone screamed
[Group of Kids:] Hey is this some kinda trick
[Dopey Guy:] Yea, which one is he?
[Aaron:] The Blonde One, Nick
Then the cutest girl said:
[Girl:] I have to see their show
But I have no ticket, Aaron
How can I go
[Aaron:] Your wish is my command
See it's no problem, hon
In fact I'll get some tickets here for everyone
All I gotta is pick up the celly
And its a done deal
Let me call Nick and tell him
[Other Guy:] By the way Aaron, if you could, while you're at it
Can you hook up some seats
For my friends and my parents?
[Aaron:] So I said to myself, well heck, why not?
There's nothing that can beat the connection I got
[Chorus (girls):] Aaron, Oh Aaron
What are you going to do?
You make empty promises oh so big
([Aaron:] man)
How gonna make them come true?
([Aaron:] I don't know)
Aaron, Oh Aaron,
What are we going to do with you?
Always a makin' a bigger mistake
Always a-makin' a fool
([Aaron:] Yo, I gotta make a phone call)
[Nick:] Hello?
[Aaron:] Hey Nick
I need a favor from you, dude
I promised people tickets
So you gotta come through
[Nick:] Sure, bro...how many do you need?
[Aaron:] 1...2...uh, 3003
[Nick:] WHAT?!
I can get you maybe a dozen
You can't promise seats to everyone and their cousin
What did you do?
How'd you get in this mess?
[Aaron:] I was talkin to this girl...
[Nick:] Hold your breath I know the rest
Guess you better get yourself a whole lotta money
[Aaron:] For 3000 tickets?
Nick, that's isn't funny.
Aaron:How'm I supposed to pull that off in so little time?
[Nick:] You got me, Aaron
That's your problem...not mine
([Aaron (annoyed):] What?)
What are we going to do with you?
([Aaron:] I don't know)
Always a makin' a bigger mistake
([Aaron:] So, it was just one mistake)
Always a-makin' a fool
([Aaron:] Whatever)
[Aaron:] How in the world can he do that to me?
I thought we were blood.
I thought we were family.
We're gettin' to the show
We'll get good seats
Everyone on the bus, you're all coming with me
I'm tellin' you guys when we get to the gate
He can never say "no" when he looks at my face
Hook me up! Nick, Man, I swear I'll pay you back
[Nick:] Well come to think about, we need an opening act.
[Aaron:] What do you want me to do: tell jokes; dance; act?
[Nick:] Nah, I want you on stage, I want you to rap.
'Cause if you don't you're gonna have some disappointed friends
And by the way you're on at eight, that's when the show begins

The Other day I was hanging with some friends.
the other day 不久前某一天;几天以前
回顾歌词: The Other day I was hanging with some friends. 有一天我与一些朋友闲逛。
In fact I'll get some tickets here for everyone. All I gotta is pick up the celly and its a done deal.
in fact 事实上,实际上(=as a matter of fact)
Jack said he was ill. As a matter of fact, he was all right.
celly (俚)手机,无线电话(相当于cellphone)
Pick up the celly就是拿起手机。
done deal 成交的买卖,注定的事儿,板上钉钉的事儿
Don’t buy any dresses until I tell you it’s a done deal.
Can you hook up some seats for my friends and my parents?
Hook up基本意思是“用钩钩住”。
You can hook up the dress at the back.
Hook up的引申含义是“将…联接起来,关系亲密起来”。
I was kinda hoping we could hook up again!
You make empty promises oh so big. How gonna make them come true?
empty promise 空洞的诺言,假意的允诺,无诚意的许诺
Empty promisecannot convince her that I love her by my heart.
come true 实现,成真,成为现实
My dream will come true one day.
