听歌学英语:我只是有点害羞 I'm Just a Little Bit Shy(在线收听

听歌学英语:我只是有点害羞 I'm Just a Little Bit Shy

"Just a Little Bit Shy"来自于Natasha Thomas 。Natasha 出生于丹麦的哥本哈根,曾经一首"It’s Over Now"让我们记住了她。她一出道就被全球知名品牌相中,为旗下新发行的香水及服饰代言,Natasha不仅成为广告中的女主角并演唱广告曲。随着广告在全球媒体的强力放送,获得了空前询问度,由她所演唱的单曲"It's over now"与"Save Your Kisses for Me",也成功挺进欧洲单曲排行榜,而且成绩越来越好

Dam dam dubi do
Tell me what can I do
I’m just a little bit shy
Dam dam dubi do
I really don’t know why
I’m just a little bit shy
I try to tell you
Wuh that I love you
what can I do do what can I do
Obsession forever
Wuh now or never
What can I do do
What can I say
What can I do
Dam dam dubi do
Tell me what can I do
I’m just a little bit shy
Dam dam dubi do
I really don’t know why
I’m just a little bit shy
Dam dam dubi do
Tell me what can I do
I’m just a little bit shy(when I see you smile…)
Dam dam dubi do
I really don’t know why
I’m so excited when I see you smile……
When I see you smile…..
I can not have you
And I’ll never leave you
what can I do do
what can I do
You make me mad
And you make me sad
what can I do do
what can I say
what can I do do
Dam dam dubi do
Tell me what can I do
I’m just a little bit shy
Dam dam dubi do
I really don’t know why
I’m just a little bit shy
Dam dam dubi do
Dam dam dubi do

His shyness made public speaking a torment to him.
他很腼腆,当众讲话简直是受罪。(torment n. 痛苦,苦恼)
2.英语中有个习语是as shy as daphne。来自于希腊神话,达芙妮是河神的女儿,长得美丽非凡却喜欢独处,一点儿也不喜欢和男性来往。现在人们就用as shy as daphne来表示羞答答的,和达芙妮一样害羞。
Would you please tell me the name of that girl who looks as shy as Daphne?
3. Shy and introverted 害羞和内向的。In表示“里面的”,introverted内向的,它的反义词是把前缀in变成表示外面的后缀ex-extroverted: adj. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的。
I was an extremely shy and introverted child.
4. 下面我们要讲的单词是bashful-害羞的,腼腆的。
The bashful child felt uncomfortable with strangers.
5.Timid: adj. 胆小的;羞怯的。常用的短语是as timid as a hare胆小如鼠(hare n. 野兔)。
The little girl is as timid as a hare,she is shy in the presence of strangers.
*He is a cowardly and sheepish fellow; he cannot even say boh to a goose.
6. 西方人认为除了野兔很胆小以外,绵羊也是如此,于是单词sheepish表示“羞怯的;懦弱的”。
7. Cowardly做副词和形容词都可以,表示“懦弱的;胆小的”。
8. Cannot say boh to a goose: 连对一只鹅呸一声的勇气也没有;胆小。boh是拟声词。
He is a cowardly and sheepish fellow; he cannot even say boh to a goose.
9. 前面提到的单词都是形容词,都含有害羞的胆怯的意思,而害羞和胆怯本身就有些区别,请大家再仔细通过例句去体会。下面要讲到一个动词blush: vi. 脸红;感到惭愧。要注意它也可以做名词哦。
作动词:She blushes for his words. 听了他的话,她羞红了脸。
作名词:His remark brought a blush to my cheeks. 他的话使我脸颊羞红。
