听歌学英语:清纯与简约的诱惑 Temptation(在线收听

听歌学英语:清纯与简约的诱惑 Temptation

一首安安静静的"Temptation"来自于Moby与Laura Brown的合作。电音顽童Moby的电子音乐可谓是神来之笔,总能带给你未知未觉的律动与旋律,不像重摇滚那样轰轰烈烈的去刺激你的听觉,电子声音的渐变与多变就会让你的听觉随之摇摆,迷恋。这首歌曲由Laura Brown演唱,她经常与Moby合作,几乎成为了他的御用歌手,在Moby的专辑都能够听到她的声音。这首Temptation 在Laura Brown随意但性感的嗓音演绎之下,被诠释成为一首美丽神伤的民谣。

A gateway of hope
Just like a feeling
I need, it's no joke
And though it hurts me
To see you this way
They traded by words
I'd never heard
To hard to say them
Up, down, turn around;
please don't let me hit the ground
Tonight I think I walk alone
to find my soul desire to go home
Oh it's the last time, it's the last time
Oh it's the last time, it's the last time
Each way I turn
I know I'll always try
To break the circle
That has been placed round me
From time to time
I find I;ve lost some meanning
That was urgent
To myself
I don't believe
Up, down, turn around;
please don't let me hit the ground
Tonight I think I walk alone
to find my soul desire to go home
And I have never met anyone quite like you before

歌词:Heaven, a gateway of hope Just like a feeling I need, it's no joke.
1. heaven n.天空;天堂
2. 词义辨析:heaven, sky, space, universe这组词都有“天”的意思,它们之间的区别是heaven是指与earth(大地)或hell(地狱)相对的“天国,天堂”,也可以指“天空”,常用复数形式heavens;sky意思是“天空”,指广阔的天空或某一地区的“上空,云端”;space作“空间,太空”讲,是普通用语,强调空间概念;universe的意思是“宇宙,全世界,天地万物”,强调物质概念。
a. He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven. 他认为凡是信神者都将进天堂。
b. He lay on his back and looked up at the sky. 他仰卧著观看天空。
c. The story about space travelling is interesting. 那个关于太空旅行的故事很有趣。
d. I try to make sense of my universe. 我试着寻找我的宇宙的意义所在。
3. 下面我们来学习几个与heanven有关的短语:
a. move heaven and earth 字竭尽全力,全力以赴。
I will move heaven and earth to help you.我将尽最大力量帮助你。
b. under the Heavens 四海之内,普天下
If they would simply go home,all under the Heavens would be harmonious once more.
c. under〔in〕 heaven 究竟,到底,相当于 on earth
What under heaven have you told her? 你究竟告诉了她什么?
Who in heaven would have done such a thing? 到底是谁做了这样的事?
4. gateway n.门;通路
We will be waiting for you at the gateway.
A good education can be the gateway to success.
歌词:Up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground.
1. turn around 转身
熟悉兔子舞的朋友都知道这样一句口令:left left right right go turn around go go go。
这里turn around就是指“转身,转圈”。再比如:
She turned around to see who was calling her.
2. hit the ground 着地,触地
He dropped two stones and they hit the ground at the same time.
歌词:From time to timeI find I;ve lost some meanning. 时不时我发现我迷失了一些意义。
from time to time 有时; 不时
I only go to the supermarket from time to time.
歌词:That was urgent To myself. 那对我来说很紧迫。
1. urgent adj. 紧急的 紧迫的
This work is not urgent; we can do it tomorrow.
2. 再来联系一个单词urge 作动词表示“催促;极力主张”。
It was already rather late, thus we decide to urge the customer.
I strongly urge you to give up smoking.
3. Urge作名词表示“冲动;强烈愿望”。Have an urge to do sth 就是指非常渴望做某事。比如:
He has an urge to become a film star.他非常希望成为电影明星。
