Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-06-11(在线收听

China issues white paper on policy in Hong Kong
The Chinese central government has published a white paper detailing the "one country, two systems" practice in Hong Kong, stressing the policy as a basic state policy despite new circumstances.
The white paper says thanks to the policy, Hong Kong is able to continue to prosper, its society remain stable, and full development is being witnessed in all undertakings.
It notes that the mainland has provided solid backing for Hong Kong over the years, by helping the region defuse risks and strengthening competitiveness.
It also calls for fully and accurately understanding the policy, stressing that the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong is not full autonomy, nor a decentralized power.
China, Bangladesh pledge joint efforts to build economic corridor
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with visiting Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
As part of the talks, the two have agreed to push forward the planned multi-country economic pass through Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar.
The concept was first put forward by Xi Jinping as part of the broader creation of a 21st century "Silk Road."
Sheikh Hasina is here in China to help mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Bangladesh.
Premier Li Keqiang stresses "targeted" economic control
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is stressing the importance of keeping economic growth here in China in a proper range.
He's made the suggestion while addressing a select group of this country's top academics and scientists at a conference in Beijing.
Li Keqiang is also warning the economy is facing a lot of downward pressure at the moment.
As such, he says to meet the government's full-year target of 7.5-percent growth, this country needs to be more innovative.
Insurgents seize more towns in northern Iraq
More communities in northern Iraq are being taken over by armed militants.
At least five more towns on the outskirts of the city of Kirkuk have been overrun by hundreds of gunmen.
The new attacks come the heels of armed gunmen taking over the city of Mosul earlier in the day on Tuesday.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has asked parliament to declare a state of emergency.
The United States says it supports a strong and coordinated response.
It's unclear if any Chinese interests in the region are being affected by the assault.
Five U.S. troops killed during security operation in Afghanistan: Pentagon
Five US soldiers have been killed in what could be a freiendly-fire incident in Afghanistan.
The Pentagon says the troops were on patrol in southern Afghanistan when they were killed.
However, few other details are being offered at this time, including how the soldiers were killed.
Their deaths brings the total number of NATO troops killed in Afghanistan this year up to 39.
US forces still make up the bulk of the foreign troops still in Afghanistan, though their numbers are expected to be pared down to less than 10-thousand next year.
1 student killed at U.S. Oregon school, gunman also dead
At least one young person has been killed in a high school shooting in the US state of Oregon.
The attack took place at a school in the suburbs of the city of Portland.
There have been conflicting reports about the number of injured.
It's also believed the shooter has been killed as well.
The school is still said to be on police lockdown.
So far, no motive for the attack is being offered by the authorities.
UN General Assembly to elect new president Wednesday
The UN General Assembly is set to hold a meeting later on this Wednesday to officially elect the next president of the Assembly.
Uganda's foreign minister, Sam Kutesa, is expected to be installed through the vote.
He'll be taking over from the current president from Antigua.
The UN General Assembly is where representatives of all member-states meet to deliberate global policy.
However, the power in the UN is held within the Security Council, which is made up of 5 permanent members and a rotating group of 10 other countries from different regions around the world.
China and Namibia hold joint naval drills
The Chinese Navy has been taking part in joint drils with the navy of Namibia off the Nambian coast.
The Chinese fleet, made up of two missile frigates and a supply ship, is on an eight-country African tour.
The tour is part of China's anti-piracy operations in the region.
China launches fund to boost underdeveloped regions
A new fund worth close to 3-billion yuan is being put aside to help China's less-developed regions.
The fund is being financed by the Ministry of Finance, as well as the China National Tobacco Corporation and the State Development and Investment Corportation.
The fund is designed to try to attract more businesses into this country's impoverished regions.
It's main focus will be toward financing agriculture and tourism initiatives.
Xinjiang to hold biennial int'l art expo
A biennial international art expo is to be held in northwest China's Xinjiang and the exhibition covers artistic works from 18 countries.
The event will be held in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center in Urumqi.
Some masterpieces of domestic artists will also be displayed.
The nearly one-month exhibition aims to promote international exchanges and cultural development in local regions.
