新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2013/11/06(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition
Paul James with you on this Wednesday, November 6, 2013.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a new call for reform ahead of a key party meeting this coming weekend.
The Chinese government is calling on the developed world to live up to its commitments ahead of a global climate change conference this coming week.
The lead chemical weapons inspector in Syria has briefed the UN Security Council amid suggestions the Bashar al-Assad government might not be willing to give up all its stockpiles.
In Business.... the Chinese government is going to use Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing as a vehicle to sell a new round of bonds.
In sports... Chinese swimmer Sun Yang has been hit with an indefinite competition ban as he cools his heels in jail.
In entertainment... singer Katy Perry is here in Asia to promote her new album.
First, let's check on what's happening on the weather front...
Beijing will be cloudy today, with a high of 17 degree Celsius in the daytime, and it will be clear tonight with a low of 4.
In Shanghai, it will be cloudy today, 22 the high, and it will be cloudy tonight, the low of 15 degrees Celsius.
Lhasa will be cloudy in the daytime the temperature's at 13, and tonight will be clear with a low of 2 degree Celsius.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny, 24.
Kabul, sunny, with a high of 9.
And in North America
New York, overcast, with a high of 12 degrees.
Washington, overcast, highs of 14
Houston, moderate rain, 26.
Honolulu, moderate rain, 29.
Toronto, overcast, 12.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires, sunny, 23.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with highs of 27 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Chinese president issues new reform call ahead of key party session
Chinese President Xi Jingping has issued a new statement ahead of a key party meeting this coming weekend.
Speaking while on an inpection tour in Hunan, Xi Jinping is calling for more reforms to help build an innovation-driven economy.
"Scientific and technological innovation should be integrated into social and economic development in a more comprehensive fashion. Enterprises should be allowed to play the leading role in this process."
Xi Jinping says encouraging innovation is the "fundamental approach" to breaking up the bottlenecks restricting the growth of the Chinese economy.
The Chinese president is also calling on local governments to find a balance between economic growth and structural reforms.
The upcoming CPC plenary session this weekend in Beijing is expected to include discussions on a slew of major reform policies.
China NDRC holds news briefing on climate change
Ahead of a planned climate change meeting next week in Poland, the Chinese government is once-again trying to press developed economies to keep their financing committments to deal with global climate change.
CRI's Wu Yanping has more.
Xie Zhenhua, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, has introduced the main issues to be discussed at the upcoming Warsaw Conference.
"There're two main issues to be discussed at the Warsaw Conference, namely, to fulfill former obligations and to start new negotiations. First, countries involved should fulfill tasks set by the Bali roadmap and other commitments. And next, we should start Durban negotiations, during which the international community should reach a consensus on the goals, policies and measures regarding tackling climate change."
At the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen in 2009, developed countries promised to mobilize 100 billion dollars per year by 2020 in order to address climate change.
Xie has also urged developed countries to honor their obligations by injecting funds into the Green Climate Fund and clear a roadmap to reach the goal.
For China's part, Xie Zhenghua says the country is planning to reduce pollution by phasing out "backward" production facilities.
"First, we should improve efficiency of energy use and the use of fossil fuel; Second, we should develop renewable energy. What's more, we can plant more trees to make the air clean. All in all, the key issue is to transform our ways of economic development and modes of consumption, and to raise people's awareness in protecting environment as well as tackling climate change."
The official also highlights a pilot scheme for the country's first carbon emission trade market in Shenzhen, which is launched in this June.
The scheme covers 635 industrial companies and some public buildings accounting for about 40 percent of the city's carbon emissions,
Under the trading program, those emitting below their quotas will be able to sell their excess limits to other emitters and even investors for profit.
According to Xie Zhenhua, similar schemes are expected to be launched in Beijing and Shanghai by the end of this year.
For CRI, I'm Wu Yanping.
China's young carbon trading market
For more on how the Chinese government's new carbon trading scheme, CRI's Marc Cavigli spoke earlier with former Chinese climate negotiator Qian Guoqiang, who is now the strategic director of consulting firm Sino Carbon Innovation & Investment.
(callin with Qian Guoqiang)
Qian Guoqiang, a former Chinese climate negotiator, speaking with CRI's Marc Cavigli.
China announces new measures to curb excess capacities in five industries
The Chinese government has announced stricter measures to eliminate excess production capacity and upgrade this country's overall industrial structure.
CRI's Yu Yang has more.
The State Council focuses the reform on five industries including cement, steelmaking, electrolytic aluminum, glass and shipbuilding.
The National Bureau of Statistics shows by the end of 2012, capacity utilization rates of these five industries were far below the international norm.
Zhu Hongren, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, explains the new measures require local governments to take greater responsibilities.
"Firstly, new production projects in these industries should be forbidden. Approval and filing of these projects should not be carried out under any name. Secondly, classified treatment is needed for the projects under construction. Those projects which fail the standards and requirements should be stopped immediately."
Hu Zucai, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission or NDRC, points out the elimination of excess production capacity should be closely integrated with industrial restructuring.
"Industrial restructuring is the core measure to eliminate excess capacity. They are complementary to each other. Excess capacity is directly connected with air pollution control. The campaign should be combined with energy conservation and emission reduction."
Zhu Hongren adds by the end of 2015, more than 100 million metric tons of excess cement production capacity and some 20 million weight cases of excess plate glass production capacity could be eliminated under the government plan.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
NSA spies on Japan for military, economic, foreign policy reasons
The Japanese government has so-far offered only a muted response to word it too may be on the list of countries being spied on by the US National Security Agency.
Japan's Defense Minister says he's only heard through media reports that Japan is on a list of "friendly" countries the NSA has been covertly gathering information from.
Itsunori Onodera says his government doesn't want to believe this kind of report.
"A rigourous system of access to protect our nation's secrets, including those related to defence, is essential. So whatever the case, acts using technology that damage trust between friendly nations, including countries with which we have alliances, are highly undesirable. In that sense, we just don't want to believe that these reports are true."
A new report from the New York Times this week has suggested Japan has been under surveilence by the NSA since at least 2007.
The report says the US spy agency has been monitoring Japan mostly for its technical capabilities.
If the revelations are true, Japan would join a growing list of "friendly" countries that have allegedly been spied on by the NSA, including Germany, Spain and Brazil, among others.
In the fallout from the revelations, Brazil's President cancelled a recently-planned trip to Washington.
European officials have warned the US its planned free-trade negotiations could be in jeopardy.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has conceded in a recent interview that US intelligence has been gathering information from its allies, but says the NSA programs had reached too far.
UN envoy Brahimi says no deal on date for Syria peace conference in Geneva this year
Officials from the UN, US and Russia have failed to set a date for the so-called Geneva II meeting on Syria.
UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has been meeting with Russian and US officials in Switzerland to assess the likelihood of getting a meeting together.
"We were hoping that we would be in a position to announce a date today. Unfortunately, we are not. But we are still striving to see if we can have the conference before the end of the year. And you know, as far as the United Nations are concerned, we are ready and indeed, the Secretary General is impatient to get this conference going, because the situation in Syria is extremely bad."
Brahimi says the group will meet again on November 25th for another prepatory meeting, suggesting a November gathering is now unlikely.
The US and Russia had tentatively planned to hold a meeting among international stakeholders, the Syrian Government and Syrian opposition to try to hammer out a political solution to bring the Syrian conflict to an end.
Divisions among the Syrian opposition in exile have been holding up the process.
At the same time, a Russian insistence that Iran be part of the talks is also being cited as a stumbling block.
According to new UN assessment, around 40-percent of all Syrians now require humanitarian aid.
OPCW briefed on chemical weapons elimination progress
The lead chemical weapons expert in Syria has briefed the UN Security Council on the work that's been done to eradicate the chemical weapons in Syria.
Sigrid Kaag is heading the joint UN-Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons team in Syria.
She has told the UN Security Council her group has been getting a lot of support from the Syrian government.
"It speaks of the constructive cooperation with the Syrian authorities. And of course it also references the need for future international assistance subject to the approval by the executive council of the OPCW on the 15th of November of the destruction plan, which is the famous phase 3 of the overall plan."
The OPCW and Syria are now working on plans as to how to destroy the chemical weapons, which includes sarin and mustard gas.
Those plans have to be finished by next week.
The OPCW has inspected 21 out of 23 chemical weapons sites across the country, meeting a November 1st deadline set out in the original plans.
The 2 other sites are still considered too dangerous to reach for inspection.
Despite the headway, the United States new UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, is cautioning the progress that has been made is still not enough.
Her comments come amid new reports by US intelligence sources which are suggesting the Bashar al-Assad government may not be willing to give up all its chemical weapons.
It's being reported US analyists are looking into reports the Assad government has not declared all its chemical weapons to the OPCW in an attempt to try to preserve some of them as a future hedge against Israel.
However, these reports have not been confirmed.
The Syrian government has not made any comments suggesting this may be a policy decision.
A refusal by the Syrian government to give up its entire stockpile of chemical weapons would put it in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention it signed this year.
Kerry in Israel to advance peace talks with Palestinians
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is in Israel in a bid to try to advance the peace talks with the Palestinians.
Kerry is due to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
This is Kerry's 8th visit to the region since taking office.
Speaking to reporters ahead of his time in Israel, Kerry says he believes there is an ability to move the peace negotiations forward.
But he cautions all sides need to be calm and committed to a "quiet" process.
This is Kerry's 8th visit to the region since taking office.
His shuttle-diplomacy finally managed to get the Israeli and Palestinians talking again earlier this year after 3-years.
India launched its first Mars spacecraft
Indian space authorities have launched the country's first spacecraft bound for Mars.
Officials are describing it as a complex mission that they hope will demonstrate and advance technologies for space travel.
Officials at India's main space centre are describing the launch as textbook.
Mission director P. Kunhikrishnan.
"We witnessed another excellent launch of our PSLV vehicle. The PSLV C 25 in its twenty fifth mission did orbit the Mars orbiter spacecraft into an elliptical orbit as intended."
In response to the launch, the Chinese government is calling for more international cooperation in space exploration.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei.
"The outer space is the wealth of the entire humanity. Each country has the right to peacefully explore and utilise the outer space. We think that the international community should work together to maintain enduring peace and sustainable development in the outer space."
This is India's first Mars mission.
Over the next 20 to 25 days, the Indian space craft will perform a series of technical maneuvers and short burns to raise its orbit before it slingshots toward Mars.
The craft will have to travel for 300 days to reach an orbit around the red planet next September.
Washington zoo votes for panda name
The US National Zoo is teaming up with the Chinese Embassy in Washington to encourage people around the world to vote for the name of a newly-born baby Panda at the National Zoo.
CRI's Washington correspondent Xiaohong has more.
The Smithsonian's National Zoo on Tuesday opened a specially-designed webpage to encourage Panda lovers worldwide to help pick a name for its new Panda.
There are five names listed on the website.
Voters can chose among Mulan, Baobao, Linghua, Longyun and Zhenbao.
Mulan is the name of a legendary female Chinese warrior from the 5th century which became popularlized in a Disney movie of the same name.
Mulan is also the Chinese name for the magnolia flower.
Baobao is a common nickname for Chinese babies, which translates to treasure.
Linghua means darling and delicate flower.
Longyun comes from Long, the Chinese symbol of the dragon and Yun which means charming.
Zhenbao translates to precious and valuable.
The five names have been put forward by China's US Ambassador Cui Tiankai and his US counterpart Gary Locke.
The results will be unveiled on December 1st when the Panda cub celebrates her 100th day, which is a traditional Chinese milestone.
The panda cub was born on August 23rd.
She currently weighs 3.7 kilograms and is now able to open her eyes and crawl.
She is expected to make her first public appearance earlier next year.
To date, there are 15 giant pandas living in the United States.
Last month, the Atlanta Zoo named its newly-born twins Meilun and Meihuan, which is also the result of an online vote.
For CRI, I'm Xiaohong from Washington.
Biz Reports
First off, a check on the stock market of North America and Europe.
Join me on the desk, CRI's Ding Lulu.
Stocks were little changed this morning, as investors digested a stronger-than-expected reading on the U.S. services industry and looked ahead to key jobs data later in the week.
The Institute for Supply Management's nonmanufacturing purchasing managers index for October rose to 55.4 from 54.4 in September, bucking expectations for a fall.
The ISM Employment index also showed strength, with a gain to 56.2 from 52.7 the prior month.
With uncertainty around the timing of Federal Reserve starting to scale back its stimulus measures, investors are trying to manage their expectations for the economic data.
Investors are also looking ahead to the first read of third-quarter economic-growth data due out on Thursday and the closely watched October employment report due Friday.
When the market closed, the Dow dropped 0.1 percent, and the S&P 500 slipped 0.3 percent while the Nasdaq ended flat.
Meanwhile, Canada's S&P/TSX is up 0.2 percent.
European markets declined after the European Commission lowered its growth outlook for the euro-zone economy. We'll come back to the detail of this later in the business section.
But the report helped bolster expectations that the European Central Bank could lower interest rates after its policy meeting on Thursday.
Germany's DAX lost 0.3 percent.
France's CAC 40 is down 0.8 percent.
And Britain's FTSE 100 ended a quarter of a percent lower.
Treasury bonds to be issued in Hong Kong
The Chinese Ministry of Finance has announced plans to issue 10 billion yuan worth of treasury bonds in Hong Kong on November 21st.
Two-year bonds, worth 3 billion yuan, will be issued for individual investors in Hong Kong through banks and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing.
This will be the first time HKex will be used as a purchasing vehicle.
The remaining 7-billion yuan worth of T-bills will target institutional investors through Hong Kong's debt instrument, known as the Central Moneymarkets Unit.
Hong Kong Exchanges chief Charles Li says the move to use HKex will help further enhance Hong Kong's status as an offshore renminbi center.
Call-in HTC expects sales to fall further in 4Q
Smartphone maker HTC is warning its revenues are likely to fall further in the fourth-quarter.
The Taiwan-based company says its revenues for this current quarter are likely to come in at between 1.4 to 1.5 billion US dollars.
This would be down from 1.6-billion US dollars in revenues through the third quarter.
HTC recorded a net loss of 100 million US dollars through in the third quarter on an annualized basis.
According to a recent market survey, HTC has slipped out of the global top 10 smart phone makers this year.
For more on HTC's situation, we're joined live now by Benjamin Cavendar, associate principal at China Market Research in Shanghai
1. What's happening with HTC? What's drawing down its revenue streams?
2. What can be done to try to help the company return to overall profitability?
3. Have we begun hitting a global saturation point when it comes to smartphones?
Back Anchor:
Benjamin Cavendar, associate principal at China Market Research in Shanghai
Chinese firms Buys Its Way Into Silicon Valley
A growing number of Chinese tech firms are investing their way into Silicon Valley.
Chinese tech giant Tencent is looking to take a major stake in Snapchat, a popular photo sharing platform.
Tencent is looking to purchase a 200 million US dollar stake in the company.
Snapchat is currently valued at some 4 billion dollars.
At the same time, Alibaba has also been ramping up its US investments.
The Chinese firm dropped over 200-million US dollars into Shop Runner this past month.
Shop Runner is a consortium of retailers who have teamed together to try to take on Amazon.
And Baidu has opened up a talent center in Silicon Valley.
China to build more photovoltaic power stations
China's central energy authorities have put forward new plans to build more photovoltaic power stations this coming year.
The move is meant to bolster Chinese solar panel producers, who have been struggling with dwindling export orders.
The National Energy Administration is now consulting with local authorities about the new proposal.
There is excessive supply of PV products in the domestic market.
Global demand for Chinese PV products has been on the deline amid the slowdown of the global economy and a number of trade rows.
EU Economy Weak recovery means high unemployment
The European Commission says the European economy will continue to recover through next year, but at a subdued pace that will leave unemployment near record highs.
EU Economic and Monetary Affairs commissioner Olli Rehn.
"In Europe overall, growth turned positive in the second quarter of this year and confidence has been rising. Domestic demand is gaining strength, including investment. However, the ongoing necessary process of adjustment and de-leveraging will still continue to weigh on growth for some time."
The European Union's economy is expected to grow 0.5 percent over the second half of this year.
It's expected to expand 1.4 percent this coming year.
The EU's last prediction in May anticipated an overall economic decline of 0.1-percent for the whole of this year.
Meanwhile, the 17-country eurozone is forecast to continue its recovery from recession as well.
However, the eurozone is still expected to record an economic decline of 0.4 percent for 2013.
The eurozone economy is expected to grow by 1.1-percent next year.
Unemployment in the eurozone is expected to remain at its record high of 12.2 percent this year.
Headline News
Chinese president issues new reform call ahead of key party session
Chinese President Xi Jingping has issued a new statement ahead of a key party meeting this coming weekend.
Speaking while on an inpection tour in Hunan, Xi Jinping is calling for more reforms to help build an innovation-driven economy.
Xi Jinping says encouraging innovation is the "fundamental approach" to breaking up the bottlenecks restricting the growth of the Chinese economy.
The Chinese president is also calling on local governments to find a balance between economic growth and structural reforms.
The upcoming CPC plenary session this weekend in Beijing is expected to include discussions on a slew of major reform policies.
UN, Russia, U.S. meeting fails to set date on Syria peace talks
Officials from the UN, US and Russia have failed to set a date for the so-called Geneva II meeting on Syria.
UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has been meeting with Russian and US officials in Switzerland to assess the likelyhood of getting a meeting together.
Brahimi says the group will meet again on November 25th for another prepatory meeting, suggesting a November gathering is now unlikely.
The US and Russia had tentatively planned to hold a meeting among international stakeholders, the Syrian Government and Syrian opposition to try to hammer out a political solution to bring the Syrian conflict to an end.
However, divisions among the Syrian opposition in exile have been holding up the process.
China's top nuclear envoy to visit North Korea
China's top nuclear negotiator is headed back to North Korea to try to push for the resumption of six-party talks.
Korean Peninsula affairs chief Wu Dawei is due to sit down with North Korean officials on the potential denuclearization of the region.
The Chinese foreign ministry says Wu Dawei's trip to North Korea comes at a time of reduced tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
The 6-party talks, which involve the two Koreas, the US, Japan, Russia and China, have been mothballed since 2008.
China's Hao Ping elected president of UNESCO's governing body
China's vice minister of education has been elected the President of the UNESCO General Conference.
The election makes Hao Ping the first representative from China to be elected to chair the supreme governing body of UNESCO.
The 54-year-old is the former head of Beijing Foreign Studies University and vice-President of Peking University.
Ireland to hold referendum on same-sex marriage in 2015
The Irish government has announced it plans to hold a referendum on whether to legalize same-sex marriage in the country.
The Irish government says it hopes to hold a vote on whether to ammend the country's consitution to allow same-sex unions in the first half of 2015.
Ireland's Justice Minister says his department will be working with the country's Attorney General over the course of the next year to determine the specifics of the proposed referendum.
Polling at the end of last year in Ireland, a predominantly Catholic country, has found that close to three-quarters of those asked say they would vote 'yes' to extending civil marriage rights to same-sex couples.
Newspaper Picks
Shanghai FTZ tribunal opens
A tribunal at the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has been established to provide judicial services to investors.
The tribunal will accept civil and commercial cases in connection with issues of investment, trade, finance, intellectual property and real estate.
The tribunal will try to resolve disputes, deal with conflicts of interest and support innovation.
Missing boys found
Three boys from Shanghai who went missing over weekend have been found in Guangzhou.
The boys are primary school students aged 11 to 13.
They reportedly bought train tickets for the journey to Guangzhou to find jobs to pay for online games.
Ivory smuggling condemned
The Chinese government says it firmly opposes ivory smuggling and will continue to work with the international community to protect wildlife.
The statement is in response to three Chinese citizens being apprehended in Tanzania after being discovered with large amounts of ivory.
Beijing cuts license plates
Municipal authorities here in Beijing have released their new plans to try to control vehicle emissions.
The plan will see the number of new license plates issued next year cut from 240-thousand to 150-thousand.
The number of new license plates for new-energy vehicles will increase.
Better Hukou Management
Authorities here in Beijing have issued a new policy statement when it comes to the Hukou.
According to the statement, anyone found abusing their powers to create difficulties for people to register in Beijing will be dismissed.
New H7N9 infection
A three-year-old boy has been confirmed as having contracted the H7N9 bird flu virus in Guangdong.
The boy is said to be in stable condition in hospital in the city of Dongguan.
So far this year, 45 people have died from the H7N9 virus here in China.
Plane crash survival
Two small planes collided some 12-thousand feet in the air in the US state of Wisconsin, bursting into flames.
Amazingly, all 9 sky drivers and the 2 pilots survived the impact, with none of them sustaining any serious injuries.
Special Reports
Will China ever be captivated by American football?
The National Football League has quietly been working to promote American football here in China.
CRI's Jordan Lee has more.
This weekend 36 Beijing university teams gathered for a city-wide flag football championship.
These flag football competitions, also known as Home Field events, are part of the NFL's strategy to promote American football and NFL franchises in China. The games give people a chance to learn the basics of a confusing sport.
Kids like 12-year-old Hui Zhitang were at the field watching the action with semi-stunned, semi-awed expressions.
"Actually I don't get this game.. It's very strange.. very intense. Very, very intense."
The players themselves range in experience level. There's still quite a few false starts and basic rule infringements, but some are talented athletes.
Interest in American football has been growing in China, albeit at a slow pace.
But managing director of NFL China, Richard Young isn't discouraged at all.
He estimates that there are about 3 million football fans in China, about a million of which he classifies as avid fans, meaning they follow an NFL team, buy NFL products, and watch games on a regular basis.
But the NFL faces some unique obstacles in China.
For one thing, football isn't an Olympic sport.
That means the government has no incentive to back grassroots football development, in the way it currently supports grassroots rugby.
Another problem is the lack of Chinese faces in the NFL, because China is a country that loves its sports heroes.
And then there's the small matter that many Chinese parents are afraid their child will be horrifically injured if he takes up American football.
Of course, it's possible. But Wes de Kirby, coach from the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, reasons that football isn't that much more dangerous than other sports.
"Everybody has one kid, and they really treasure their kid. They view full contact football as a really violent and aggressive sport. But I mean there are more injuries annually in cheerleading right? "
Li You, a social sports major also from Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, gave his take on the future of football in China.
"I watched the Super Bowl before, it was kind of exciting. I think Chinese people will Accept American football over time, but if they want to play, they need to bulk up. But if a Chinese person isn't built to play football, he can still enjoy watching it."
Richard Young is optimistic about football's future in China.
"After all these years, I've heard that regularly "BU HESHI ZHONGGUOREN". It doesn't fit the Chinese. But there's no question in my mind that China already has the athletes to play American football. But that's what I like so much about China. There's always a surprise, it's far more diverse than most people would believe. It's exciting in that way."
So American football will probably never become China's number one sport.
But give it some more time, and it's possible the next generation of Chinese could revere Peyton Manning like they do Kobe Bryant.
For CRI, I'm Jordan Lee
Rafael Nadal beats David Ferrer in opening match
At the ATP world tour in London,
Rafael Nadal made short work of fellow Spaniard David Ferrer in their first round-robin group match.
Nadal couldn't afford a repeat of the Paris Masters semifinals last week, when Ferrer sent him home early.
Nadal reeled off five sets in a row before Ferrer seemed to get on his feet and stage a mini-comeback. But Nadal held out for a comfortable 6-3, 6-2 victory.
What makes me happy is to feel myself again, competitive, playing well, competing for the most important events and that's what happened this year, so anything that happens here, that's not going to change that. My season probably is one of the best of my career and for sure the one that I'm most satisfied with."
And in doubles, Seven seeds Leander Paes of India and his Czech partner Radek Stepanek upset the number two seeds, Austria's Alexander Peya and Bruno Soares of Brazil.
That game stretched for nearly two hours, ending on 6-3, 5-7, 10-8.
Beijing bids for 2022 Winter Olympics
Beijing has officially cast its bid to host the 2022 winter Olympics.
The Chinese Olympic Committee announced yesterday afternoon that the Chinese capital is applying to host, with the northern city of Zhangjiakou throwing in its bid as co-host.
If all goes to plan, Beijing would stage the ice events, while snow sports would be held in Zhangjiakou.
Beijing Sports Bureau chief Li Yingchuan says that Beijing's experience hosting the 2008 Olympics will give it an edge over other cities.
A few things stand in the way of Beijing's bid, the foremost of which is pollution. But Li said the city's air quality can be improved over the next ten years.
Sun Yang slapped with ban from competition
China's star swimmer Sun Yang has been slapped with an indefinite ban from all competition after his seven-day detention for driving without a license.
The Zhejiang swimmer was caught by Hangzhou police after a bus rear ended the car he was driving.
The Zhejiang College of Sports responded by suspending the world champion, saying he can only be reinstated after he restablishes his integrity through a period of systematic training without any more rule infringements.
The sport college's vice president Zhang Yadong admitted the punishment was severe, but its for Sun's own good.
He said, "We hope he can always be the hero of Chinese sports instead of a sinner."
Sachin Tendulkar to retire after final test series against West Indies
In cricket,
The West Indies are getting ready to kick off their test series against India.
The last time these two teams met on Indian soil the hype was centered on when India's star cricketer Sachin Tendulkar would score his 100th international century.
This time around, the focus is still on Tendulkar, but because of his impending retirement.
Tendulkar intends to officially bow out of cricket after these final two matches against the West Indies, which would be his 199th and 200th international cap.
West Indies captain Darren Sammy said that while it's an honor to be Tendulkar's final opponent, his team will do their best to stay focused on the match.
"Sachin, nobody could not see what he's done for cricket. Not only India, but I think he's been a great ambassador for the sport and he deserves all the hype, all the praises he's getting, you know, coming into the last two Test matches of his career. For us, we just look to block it out, at the end of the day we're here to play cricket, whatever happens in the media, whatever happens in the next team's dressing room."
The West Indies will be looking for a different result than their last tour in India, when they lost the series 2-0.
All Blacks train in Paris ahead of French test
In rugby,
The All Blacks are in Paris ahead of their test against the French 15s squad this weekend.
The Kiwis have won their last seven games against France, including the 2011 World Cup final in Auckland. And in those seven games, France has scored just five tries against the world champions.
Captain Richie McCaw said it's lovely to be back in Paris.
"We haven't been here for a while, but I always love playing at the Stade de France, 80,000 people. We're looking forward to a big challenge. We obviously played three times in New Zealand in June and I am sure the French forwards will be looking forward to getting us back here in Paris. We're looking forward to it."
And in rugby sevens news,
Kenya has a new head coach in South African Paul Treu.
Treu promised to send Kenya to the top of international sevens after he formally took charge of the team yesterday. He also said the team's target is to be a medal contender when rugby sevens debuts at the 2016 Olympics.
The Kenyan squad has been participating in the HSBC sevens series since 2001, but they have yet to win a tournament.
They have always been a physically imposing team, but lack the technical precession and coaching that sets teams like the All Blacks, Samoa, and Fiji apart.
NBA game preview Miami vs. Toronto
In the NBA,
The first game on the schedule this morning is the Miami Heat vs Toronto. The defending champions are 2 and 2, and are still looking for their first away win when they visit the Raptors. Tip off for that game is 8am.
Tiger Woods drives balls off the Bosporus
Turkish drivers might have initially been frustrated yesterday when they were caught up in standstill traffic after authorities closed down the Bosporus Bridge.
But perhaps some were placated when they looked over and saw Tiger Woods knocking balls off the iconic bridge.
The world's top golfer was in Istanbul to take part in a photo shoot ahead of this week's Turkish Airlines Open golf tournament.
This is the first time Turkey will host an official European Tour event, and the photos of Woods standing at the connecting point between Europe and Asia, driving golf balls from west to east, were meant to symbolize that.
Boston red sox players shave off their beards for charity
In baseball,
The Boston Red Sox players had a kind of no-shave contest that started during spring training.
By the time the playoffs rolled around, some of the guys, like outfielder Jonny Gomes and first baseman Mike Napoli, were sporting extremely bushy beards.
So World Series MVP David Ortiz and teammate Shane Victorino decided to make the most of their facial hair by shaving it off for charity.
Gillette donated $100,000 to a fund for the Boston marathon bombing victims and their families after the two players came to their headquarters for their shave off.
"It's a good feeling. I think what we've been through this year, I think it was something that was an accomplishment. Just get everyone's mind clear and let everyone know that it wasn't just us players who won the championship it was everyone in this city that won it."
Katy Perry talks new album in Japan
Superstar Katy Perry is in Asia to promote her latest album "Prisms".
Perry's fourth studio offering comes after her very public marriage and divorce from comedian, actor and notorious lothario Russell Brand.
At a press conference in Tokyo, the 9-time Grammy nominee poured her heart out about the personal journey embarked upon to craft the record.
"I needed to do a lot of self-reflection, because I went through a difficult time in my life and so I needed to go inside and do a lot of work and therapy and mending. And so I did. I started the record in November 2012, but most of the songs and, like you said, I thought I was going to make a darker, more acoustic, kind of moodier record. But then in the spring, I went through the transition and I did a cleanse for like three months, a mind and body and soul type of cleanse and it made my life so much better. It gave me more perspective and helped me live very consciously."
The record marks a change in Perry's sound, from fun and frothy to powerful anthems.
The star says that music is not the only thing that is on her mind.
Speaking about her future, Perry seems on the look out for fresher challenges.
"Yes, I'd like to have, I'd like to start a small fashion line, but very small, I think, for now. And I would like to be a mom one day, that's a challenge, I'm sure. And I'd like to make an acoustic record. That would be a challenge."
Ever the chameleon, the pastor's daughter started out in country and gospel before embracing electro pop and gaining her break through with her breakthrough hit 2007's "I Kissed a Girl".
Next up, Perry will be performing at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Amsterdam on Sunday with "Anchorman" star Will Ferrell.
Perry's world wide "Prism" tour is set to sweep the globe starting from May 2014.
Arcade Fire confirmed for Primavera 2014
(Arcade Fire)
Canadian band Arcade Fire have been the latest act confirmed form 2014 Primavera Sound Festival.
The seven-piece will be joining Neutral Milk Hotel on the bill at the renowned Spanish event.
The announcement was sprung up on fans by a single poster in the centre of Barcelona, mirroring the kitsch promotion campaign adopted for Arcade Fire's latest album "Reflektor".
"Reflektor" helped Arcade Fire score their second UK number one album over the weekend.
Next up, the band are heading to London for two headline shows at Camden's Roundhouse next week.
Love You for Loving Me premieres in Beijing
Chinese romantic drama "Love You for Loving Me" premiered here in Beijing on Tuesday.
(Love You)
Directed by Ma Zhiyu, the story tells the trials and tribulations of a trio of love-lorn people who find themselves caught in a rather uncomfortable triangle.
The film addresses China's obsession with left over women as well as the irrational lovers display when attempting to win back win partners.
Stars Zhang Hanyu and Wang Luodan have been the toast of the critics of late.
Last year Wang pikced up a Best Supporting Actress Gong at last year's Golden Rooster Awards for her role in "Caught in the Web'.
Speaking to CRI, Wang said she was very excited to be working with her co-star.
"I was so excited when I first learned the news that I would co-star with Zhang Hanyu. He won the best actor at the Golden Horse Film Awards. Before this I was not familiar with him. After I saw his works I realised he was a terrific actor. I thought sparks would be flying, and it turned out to be so."
This is the first time that Zhang Hanyu has starred in a love story and he said that he chose to do so because it is a story line that everyone can relate to.
The film is to hit screens across China on 8th September, perfect for a Singles Day outing on 11th November.
That's all we have time for on the show as well.
Recapping our top headlines....
Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a new call for reform ahead of a key party meeting this coming weekend.
The Chinese government is calling on the developed world to live up to its committments ahead of a global climate change conference this coming weekend.
The lead chemical weapons inspector in Syria has briefed the UN Security Council amid suggestions the Bashar al-Assad government might not be willing to give up all its stockpiles.
In Business.... the Chinese government is going to use Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing as a vehicle to sell a new round of bonds.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing, hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together!
