听歌学英语:《摘星奇缘》插曲 - 爱我的方式 You've Got a Way(在线收听

YOU'VE GOT A WAY是Julia Roberts和Hugh Grant主演的电影《摘星奇缘》的一首插曲。这部爱情喜剧的女猪脚是世界级电影巨星。几乎所有杂志都有她的照片。她的一举一动,总是会吸引全世界的眼球。故事的男猪脚William Thacker经营着一家旅游杂志书店,书店生意不是很好。他还有一个活宝室友。自从离婚后,他几乎没有什么感情生活。对两位猪脚来说,生活好像总是缺少了点什么。而当他们的人生轨迹在诺丁山这个地方意外重叠的时候,他们怎么也没有想到,爱情就这么开始了。

You've got a way with me
Somehow you got me to believe
In everything that I could be
I've gotta say-you really got a way
我必须说 你真的知道了和我相处的方式

You've got a way it seems
You gave me faith to find my dreams
You'll never know just what that means
Can't you see... you got a way with me
难道你没发现吗? 你已经找到了一种和我相处的方式

It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love

You've got a way with words
You get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me

It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love

Oh, how I adore you oh~
Like no one before you
I love you just the way you are
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love

It's just the way you are

You've got a way with me.你已经找到了一种和我相处的方式。
to have a way with sth: to be very good at doing something.做某事很有一套;擅长于做某事
eg: He has a way with words. 你得承认他还真会舞文弄墨的。
to have a way with sb: to know how to get along with sb.善于与...打交道
eg: You have a way with women.你对女人真有一套。
David seems to have a way with children.大卫对小孩儿真的很有一套。

There's no way to measure what your love is worth.已经没有方法来衡量你的爱价值几何。
to measure: to place a value on something or to estimate something.测量;衡量
eg: It measures 20 yards from side to side.从这边到那边的距离为20码。
Take a little time to measure up your chance before deciding.做出决定前花点时间估量一下你的机会如何。
to measure up: means to prove capable or fit; or to meet requirements符合;合格;胜任
eg: It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.力求达到她的完美标准,有时是很累人的。
How did he expect anyone to measure up to this? 他怎么指望有人达到这个标准的呢?

worth,when used as an adj, means to be having a specified value.有价值的;
eg: The stamp is not worth collecting.这张邮票不值得收藏。
It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed.你花精力上法庭请求更改协议可能会是值得的。
The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.这世界是个好地方,值得为保卫它而斗争。
worth, when used as a noun, it refers to the value of something.价值
eg: You should not depreciate your own worth.你不应该贬低你自己的价值。

I can't believe the way you get through to me.简直不敢相信你可以如此了解我。
to get through to sb: means to get hold of somebody or to reach someone or to make someone understand a situation联系...某人;(使)被理解;(使)被接受
eg: Will my email messages get through to the inbox? 我的电子邮件信息是否能到达用户的收件箱?
The news finally get through to us.消息最终传到了我们这里。
I can't get through to him that he must rest.我不能使他理解他必须休息。

Oh, how I adore you.我是如此迷恋你。
to adore: means to feel great love and admiration for someone or to love something very much.爱慕;倾慕
eg: She adored her parents and would do anything to please them.她深爱她的父母,愿做任何事来让他们高兴。
My mother adores bananas and eats two a day.我妈妈很喜欢香蕉,一天吃两根。
adorable, adj, means to be lovable and cute.可爱的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的
By the time I was 30, we had three adorable children.到我30岁时,我们有了3个非常可爱的孩子。
You were smart and adorable and all this time I assumed you were dumb and adorable.你很聪明,而且很可爱,这么久了我竟然一直以为你可爱但只是不会说话呢。
