CCTV9英语新闻:英国干涉香港事务 中国外交部发出最严重警告(在线收听

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has responded sharply, after the British House of Commons’ Foreign Affairs Committee questioned China’s policies toward Hong Kong since the China-UK Joint Declaration was published thirty years ago. 


Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the "one country, two systems" framework has achieved tremendous successes since Hong Kong returned to China in 1997. He stressed that Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China and is thus a purely internal affair. 


The British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s recent inquiry into the 1984 China-UK Joint Declaration is an external interference that China strongly opposes. 


China called on the British side to respect China’s sovereignty and end any interference in its domestic affairs involving the Hong Kong SAR. China also urged Britain to take actions that ensure the two countries’s relationship continues to develop in a positive direction.

