新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/03/19(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Paul James with you on this Wednesday, March 19, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Russia is now a larger country, with President Vladimir Putin signing a treaty to absorb Crimea into the Russian Federation.
There could be a new lead into the disappearance of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
New reports are suggesting the man dubbed "Russia's Bin Laden" has been killed in a special operation.
In Business... Chinese automaker Geely has taken out a 20-billion yuan loan to cover costs and expand its international operations.
In sports.... Basketball coaching legend Phil Jackson is now heading the front office for the New York Knicks.
In entertainment.... troubled singer Chris Brown is going to have to spend more time behind bars after some ill-advised comments.
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
Beijing will be overcast today, a high of 10 degree Celsius in the daytime and a low of 5 in the night.
In Shanghai, it will see moderate rain, the highest of 15 degree Celsius, and 8 degrees in the night.
Chongqing will be cloudy in the daytime with a high of 25 degree Celsius, and rainy in the night with a low of 16.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, cloudy, 24.
Kabul, sleet with a high of 6.
And in North America
New York, sleet, with a high of 6 degree.
Washington, sleet, highs of 6.
Houston, rainy, 23.
Honolulu, cloudy, 25.
Toronto, rain and snow, 2.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires, overcast, 21.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny, with highs of 29 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Putin signs treaty with Crimean leaders
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a treaty to absorb Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation.
The move has drawn strong condemnation from Kiev, which says the move has turned the political conflict into a military one.
CRI's Su Yi has more.
The Russia-Crimea treaty comes just one day after the Crimean parliament declared independence from Ukraine following Sunday's referendum, which say nearly 97-percent of those in Crimea vote in favor of leaving Ukraine.
The signing of the treaty has been televised live after Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian Parliament.
Putin has told Russian lawmakers that he believes in his heart-of-hearts that Crimea has always been part of Russia, saying the return of the territory is legal.
But at the same time, Putin is also on-record saying he does not want to see Ukraine break up.
"Don't believe those who scare you about Russia, who say that other regions will follow after Crimea. We don't want a division of Ukraine, we don't need that. As for Crimea, it was and will remain the Russian as well as the Ukrainian and the Crimean Tatar's one."
As expected, Ukraine's government in Kiev has strongly condemned Putin's move, calling him a threat to the entire world.
Ukrainian interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk says Russian soldiers have turned a political conflict into a military one.
"It is an international theft when under the cover of troops and weapons one country, using force and thinking that they will never have answer for their actions, just temporarily steal a part of an independent state."
Ukraine's military is reporting one of its military bases on the Crimean peninsula has been stormed by Russian soldiers, resulting a Ukrainian soldier's death.
Meanwhile, the move by Russia to absorb Crimea into the Federation has been drawing strong reaction among Ukraine's neighbors.
The Baltic state of Estonia is also calling on the European Union to step up its sanctions against Russia, suggesting an arms embargo should be the next step.
US vice president Joe Biden is describing the Russian move to take control of Crimea as an illegal act.
"And now today with steps to annex Crimea. We've joined Poland and the international community in condemning the continuing assault on Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the blatant, the blatant violation of international law by Mr. Putin in Russia."
The newly-proclaimed Republic of Crimea has decided to use the Russian ruble as its official currency.
The authorities there have also decided to switch to Russian time by moving the clock forward two hours at the end of this month.
The treaty to absorb Crimea will still have to be endorsed by Russia's Constitutional Court and ratified by both houses of parliament, moves that are expected to be completed by the end of the week.
For CRI, I am Su Yi.
Residents of the Maldives reported to have seen the MH370 around the time of its disappearance
There may be a new lead to the whereabouts of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight, with new reports suggesting the jetliner may have travelled directly west over the Indian Ocean after disappearing from radar.
CRI's Lucy Du explains.
Local reports surfacing out of the Maldives are suggesting residents of the island archipelago witnessed a low-flying jetliner in the early-morning hours on March 8th, the same day Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared.
A local news website is reporting residents of a remote island in the chain reported seeing a white aircraft with red stripes on it flying unusually low toward the southern tip of the Maldives around 6:15am local time.
The time being reported would coincide to around the time it would have taken for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet to make it from its last reported position over Malaysia to the Maldives.
The Maldives are located around a thousand kilometers southwest of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean.
Investigators have yet to confirm these reports.
Meantime, military authorities in Thailand say one of their air force radar stations also detected the signal of an unidentified aircraft that departed from Malaysia and flew northward, but later diverted to an area along Strait of Malacca, which is south of the Malaysian peninsula.
Thailand's air force chief says it remains to be confirmed whether that contact was, in fact, missing flight MH370.
Meanwhile, two American destroyers involved in the search have withdrawn from the operation.
Despite this, American authorities say the US Navy's Seventh Fleet will continue helping in the search, but will rely instead on its long-range surveillance aircraft.
William J. Marks is a spokesperson for the US Seventh Fleet.
"We are not using submarines right now in the search and recovery effort. Between the USS Kidd it's 2 MH60R helicopters, which give it a search area of a couple of hundred miles. And our P-8 and P-3, our focus right now is on the surface of the water: any debris or any sort of aircraft wreckage that may be out there."
The international search for the missing flight currently involves 26 countries.
The Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared in the early-morning hours of March 8th after someone intentionally disabled the jet's communication and radar systems and intentionally diverted the flight off-course.
Of the 239 passengers and crew on-board, 154 are Chinese.
Chinese authorities say they've ruled out any likelihood of the Chinese nationals on-board being involved in the plane's disappearance.
For CRI, I am Lucy Du.
Australia searches for missing plane
Australia's maritime authorities have begun the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight covering an area of some 600-thousand square kilometers off Australia's west coast.
Our correspondent Wang Xiao has the details.
The Australian-led search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane began on Tuesday afternoon, and covers a massive stretch of ocean around 3-thousand kilometres southwest of the western Australian city of Perth.
John Young with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is coordinating the search in the Indian Ocean with help from the United States and New Zealand, admits the search will be difficult and long.
"The sheer size of the search area poses a huge challenge - the search area is more than 600,000 square kilometres. AMSA holds great concerns for those on the flight but is working positively ... as part of international efforts."
Captain Stuart Bellingham with the Joint Operational Command says right now their focus is strictly on the surface of the ocean."
John Young says the search area they've developed is based on information made available to them from the United States National Transportation Safety Board.
"AMSA has defined a possible search area with information available to us from a range of sources both nationally and internationally."
At present, the search by the joint task force off western Australia is being conducted by airplanes flying reconisance missions from the coast.
Australian authorities have also confirmed they're in contact with China, which they say has expressed a willingness to become involved in the search in the Southern Indian Ocean.
For CRI, I'm Wang Xiao in Australia.
Chechen warlord Umarov dead: report
New reports are suggesting a leading Chechen terrorist has been killed.
The Chechen authorities in southern Russia say Islamic militant Doku Umarov has been killed in a special operation.
A video by a man purporting to be Umarov's successor has also been released on the internet.
However, Russia's anti-terrorism committee has yet to confirm Umarov's death.
The 50-year old has been dubbed "Russia's bin Laden."
Umarov's Caucuses Emirate organization is believed responsible for a series of terror attacks in Russia, including the Moscow subway bombing in 2010 which left 40 people dead and the 2011 suicide bombing at Moscow's main airport which killed 37.
Umarov released a video shortly before the start of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, urging his followers to use "maximum force" to try to prevent Russia from hosting the Games.
However, no acts of terrorism ever materialized during the Olympics.
UN investigators said violence in Syria "no signs of subsiding"
The latest United Nations report is suggesting there are no signs of the violence subsiding in Syria.
The analysis is based on an investigation by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry of Syria.
Based on hundreds of interviews and evidence collected between mid-July and January of this year, the group has told the UN Human Rights Commission that civilians are repeatedly victims of acts of terrorism.
The report suggests bombings targeting civilians by non-state armed groups have caused extensive damage and casualties across Syria.
The analysis also contends the fighting has become fragmented and localized, with the emergence of multiple frontlines involving different parties with shifting priorities.
The report also suggests these groups, both pro and anti-government factions, have no fear of being held accountable for their actions.
It recommends countries which have influence on both sides need to take the lead in bringing both sides to the negotiating table.
Thailand lifts state of emergency
Thai authorities have lifted the state of emergency in Bangkok, as tensions ease following four months of anti-government protests in the Thai capital.
The emergency decree has been replaced by a less stringent Internal Security Act, which will remain in-place until the end of April.
Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra:
"Many have urged the government to lift the State of Emergency so as to rebuild confidence in the economy and in tourism. The cabinet has agreed to impose the Internal Security Act instead."
The ISA will be used to maintain order during Senate elections at the end of this month and reruns of the general election slated for next month.
Protesters, who have been demanding Yingluck resign, have accused the current government of being a proxy for exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
The weeks of protests have left 23 people dead and hundreds of others wounded.
The State of Emergency was first introduced in the run-up to a general election held in February, called by Yingluck in an unsuccessful attempt to calm the situation.
China revs up fund to protect environment
The Chinese government has launched a new campaign and a promise not to pursue economic growth at the cost of the environment.
CRI's Chi Huiguang has more.
China will invest more than five trillion yuan, or about 815 billion US dollars, in environmental protection in the period between 2011 and 2015.
The remarks were made by Wu Xiaoqing, vice-minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, at a recent press conference during the annual session of the country's top legislature, the National People's Congress.
A total of nearly 1.7 trillion yuan, equivalent to about 277 billion US dollars will be allocated for air pollution control.
Analysts say businesses higher up the industrial chain for air pollution control industry will stand to benefit from the new policies since investment is expected to concentrate on containing the source of air pollution.
Among other beneficiaries are businesses involved in water pollution control.
Wu Xiaoqing, vice-minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection:
"It will add another huge amount of investment after the introduction of the 'Water Pollution Control Action Plan' this year. We estimate investment in energy conservation and environmental protection, especially that in protecting the environment, will further rise starting from 2014."
The slated plan will pump nearly two trillion yuan, about 326 million US dollars into water pollution control schemes, as estimated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
The new policies have propelled many firms to anticipate tapping into the booming market of water pollution control.
Beijing Origin Water Technology Company is a public company that focuses on water treatment. He Yuanping, the vice president of the company, announced that the company recently won biddings for two water recycling plants in Beijing, involving nearly 876 million yuan, about 143 million US Dollars.
"We are eyeing good development and huge market potential for the country's environmental protection industry in the next few years."
Capital markets are also keen to gain from the potential profits new policies may generate. The domestic stock market has seen water treatment-related shares climbing by more than 6 percent, with major stocks jumping up to above 20 percent since the beginning of the year.
Yu Wali is an analyst with China Minzu Securities.
"We are very optimistic about the water pollution treatment sector in 2014. The new policies were formed in the first two years of the 12th Five Year Plan between the years 2011 to 2015, and will be put into practice between 2014 and 2015."
For CRI, I'm Chi Huiguang.
China launches direct trading between yuan and New Zealand Dollar
The Chinese government is moving to allow direct trading between the yuan and the New Zealand dollar.
The announcement has been made by Premier Li Keqiang following a meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key here in Beijing.
Li Keqiang says the direct transactions will lower costs for investors on both sides.
"Your visit will further promote the development of the bilateral relationship, not only in the political front but also pragmatically. The agreement of direct trade of the two currencies that we are going to sign is good news for both trade and investment between our countries."
Li Keqiang also says he's hoping authorities in New Zealand will help Chinese financial institutions set up branches in the country.
For his part, John Key says New Zealand is hoping to beef up its economic and trade ties with China.
"We are very encouraged by the way that our economic relationship is growing considerably. And our agreement to have direct exchange between the New Zealand Dollar and the Renminbi I think is something that will be welcomed by businesses and those who have exchanged goods and services as an easy way of doing business and tying our two countries together."
Direct currency trading is being launched on the inter-bank foreign exchange market starting today.
The New Zealand dollar has become the 10th foreign currency that can be directly traded against the yuan here in China.
Biz Reports
U.S. stocks climbed for a second straight session on Tuesday, after comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin soothed anxiety that tensions over Ukraine could escalate.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.6 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.7 percent. The Nasdaq added 1.3 percent.
Gains were broad, with nine of the 10 primary S&P 500 sector indexes higher on the day.
In coporate news, Microsoft shares jumped 4 percent, the biggest daily advance for the software company's stock since November. Tuesday's move took the stock near $40 for the first time since July 2000. The increase came after news report that the company may unveil an iPad version of the company's Office software suite on March 27.
Apple advanced 0.9% after the company updated its low-price iPad offering, adding a handful of new capabilities but keeping the price at $399.
After the closing bell, Oracle Corp shares slid 4.9 percent after the company said new software sales and Internet-based software subscriptions in its fiscal third quarter rose 4 percent from a year earlier.
Meanwhile, Canada's S&P/TSX rose 1 percent.
In Europe, European stock markets also turned higher despite the release of weak of German economic sentiment data.
Germany's ZEW indicator of economic sentiment for March slumped to 46.6 from 55.7 in February, falling well below expectations of 52.
Germany's DAX gained 0.7 percent. France's CAC 40 added 1 percent and London's FTSE 100 closed 0.6 percent higher.
PBOC denies bailout talks with property developer
China's central bank is rebuffing reports its in bailout talks with a small property developer.
The People's Bank of China says the central bank has neither attended "emergency talks" with Zhejiang Xingrun Real Estate nor is it involved in the disposal of the company.
Zhejiang Xingrun is reportedly unable to repay 3.5 billion yuan worth of loans it has outstanding.
Those loans include 2.4 billion yuan from 19 commercial banks.
Bank of Communication is said to be the company's largest lender.
If Zhejiang Xingrun is to go-under, it will be the second significant corporate default in the country this year.
Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology defaulted on bond payments earlier this month.
Call-in: Geely borrows 20 bln for overseas expansion
Chinese carmaker Geely has taken out loans worth 20 billion yuan from the Export-Import Bank of China.
Geely says the loan will be used mainly to construct plants overseas and ease cash flow issues.
The money will also toward the export and import of key components and international logistics bases.
For more on the move, we're joined on the line is Benjamin Cavender, Associate Principal at China Market Research Group.
1, Geely, one of pioneers in the country's car industry, says the loans will be used mainly to construct plants overseas and to ease cash flow in exports.
Which is its major destination for establishing its plants?
2, We know that Geely has acquired British electric-vehicle startup Emerald Automotive. So, this time will Geely uses its loans to acquire other foreign car-maker companies to expand its overseas markets?
3, What are major obstacles for Geely when it is tapping into foreign markets, especially in the U.S. and Europe?
That was Benjamin Cavender, Associate Principal at China Market Research Group.
Do not hype yuan fluctuation: MOC
China's commerce ministry is suggesting the recent movement of the value of the renminbi is being driven solely by market forces.
The yuan's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar has declined 0.4 percent through the first two months this year, a period in which the country also saw a shrinking trade surplus.  
Shen Danyang is with the Ministry of Commerce.
"We will cooperate with relevant departments to improve exchange rate formation mechanisms, aiming to keep the Renminbi's exchange rate stabile and at a reasonable and balanced level. In the meantime, we will expand the Renminbi's use in the economic and trade fields and step up its international competitiveness, in order to help enterprises fend off exchange rate risks."
China's outbound direct investment by non-financial firms has decreased 37.2 percent year on year in the first two months of 2014, coming in at about 11.5 billion U.S. dollars.
"Compared to outbound direct investment in 2012, the number surged significantly in 2013 because there was a huge project in Feburary of last year, when China National Offshore Oil Corporation invested 14.8 billion dollars to acquire Canada's Nexen Company. That's the main reason why outbound direct investment in the first two months this year shows negative growth."
The Commerce Ministry is also reporting investors have set up over 27-hundred new enterprises on the mainland in January and February, down 5.2 percent year on year.
Weak US inflation, housing data point to sluggish growth
New data shows US inflation has come in weak in February.
At the same time, housing starts have also fallen for a third straight month, pointing to sluggish economic growth.
The US Labor Department says its Consumer Price Index nudged up 0.1 percent for the second month in a row.
In the 12 months through February, consumer prices are up only 1.1 percent, slowing from a 1.6 percent rise in January.
In a separate report, the Commerce Department says housing starts have fallen 0.2 percent in February.
The data, released as the Fed opened its two-day policy meeting this week, offers the Fed some room to keep interest rates low.
Fed officials are expected to announce another $10-billion dollar cut to their monthly bond-buying program when their meeting concludes later on this Wednesday.
Bank of England announces major re-shuffle
New deputy governors have been named at the Bank of England.
Ben Broadbent will become deputy governor responsible for monetary policy.
Nemat Shafik will take charge of markets and banking.
The appointments are the first of several changes being made as part of governor Mark Carney's new plan to re-align the Bank of England.
Carney has set out fifteen different initiatives to try to reshape the Bank.
In making the moves, Carney says the financial crisis is a powerful reminder that to maintain economic stability the bank has to do more than just fight inflation.
Headline News
Maldives residents saw "low flying plane" of the morning of disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight
Local reports surfacing out of the Maldives are suggesting residents of the island archipelago witnessed a low-flying jetliner in the early-morning hours on March 8th, the same day Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared.
A local news website is reporting residents of a remote island in the chain reported seeing a white aircraft with red stripes on it flying unusually low toward the southern tip of the Maldives around 6:15am local time.
The time being reported would coincide to around the time it would have taken for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet to make it from its last reported position over Malaysia to the Maldives.
The Maldives are located around a thousand kilometers southwest of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean.
So far investigators have yet to confirm these reports.
Estonia proposes EU arms embargo against Russia; Ukrainian soldier killed
The Baltic state of Estonia is calling on the European Union to step up its sanctions against Russia, suggesting an arms embargo should be the next step forward.
Estonia's foreign minister has told local media the idea of an arms embargo has been discussed briefly.
However, Urmas Paet says no final decision among EU members has been made.
The discussion of an arms embargo follows an initial round of sanctions imposed on 21-individuals from Russia and Crimea following Sunday's referendum, which has seen voters in Crimea vote nearly 97-percent in-favor of seceding from Ukraine.
The discussion surrounding new sanctions comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin officially signed a new decree to absorb the Crimean region into the Russian Federation.
China reports two more human H7N9 cases
Two more cases of the H7N9 strain of bird flu are being reported here in China.
One of the new cases is a 75-year old woman from the city of Chenzhou in Hunan.
The other is a 73-year old man from Shenzhen, who is in critical condition.
At the same time, a group of people in the same district in Shenzhen are also under observation, after a 5-year old girl from Hong Kong developed symptoms after staying with her family there.
There have been over 120-cases of H7N9 reported here in China so far this year.
At least 36 of them have died.
China launches direct trading between yuan and New Zealand Dollar
The Chinese government is moving to allow direct trading between the yuan and the New Zealand dollar.
The announcement has been made by Premier Li Keqiang following a meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key here in Beijing.
Direct currency trading is being launched on the inter-bank foreign exchange market starting today.
The New Zealand dollar has become the 10th foreign currency that can be directly traded against the yuan here in China.
Newspaper Picks
Yao for looser sports controls
Chinese basketball legend Yao Ming is recommending the governing bodies for sports decentralize their decision-making and provide more freedom for non-governmental organizations and professional associations to operate on their own.
His statement is in response to the central government's call to streamline administrative procedures and delegate powers to lower levels.
Laser products endanger kids
Laser products have been banned from sale in 10 markets in Dongcheng district here in the capital.
The General Administration of Quality Supervision has released a warning about the safety hazards of laser products, including laser pens and laser guns for children.
Ready meals given 36-hour limit
Under a new food safety law, ready-to-eat, prepackaged cold food products carried by convenience stores must be sold within 36 hours of production.
Shanghai's food watchdog says anyone found guilty of breaking the new rule will face a fine of up to 10 times the retail price of the out-of-date goods sold.
The law will take effect in Shanghai on April 1.
Expired food allegedly sold to bakeries
Hangzhou Guangqi, a major supplier for bakery chains, has been charged with selling expired food.
The company supplies a number of well-known bakery chains, including BreadTalk.
The authorities have confiscated more than 46-hundred boxes of goods.
Fighting food waste
Chinese authorities have issued a detailed circular calling on government officials and the public to fight widespread food waste.
The document focuses on prohibiting too much money being spent on food among officials.
The circular requires government departments, organizations and state-owned enterprises to publicize the amount they spend on dining.
Spring tea sprouting
Tea growers in Xihu District of the city of Hangzhou have started picking a small amount of the first batch of the city's annual spring tea harvest.
The tea, known as "Longjing No 43," will be picked in bulk starting next week.
Police detain singer for drugs
Beijing police says they have arrested eight people suspected of taking drugs, including a popular young singer named Li Daimo.
Li became popular after he appeared on the talent show "The Voice of China."
The suspects have reportedly confessed, though the case is still under investigation.
Special Reports
Growing thirst for craft beer in Hong Kong
This year's "Beertopia" event in Hong Kong has come to an end, with hundreds of breweries from home and abroad showing off their products.
CRI's Wang Wei has more.
The third "Beertopia" festival in Hong Kon featured 400 different brands - including local breweries and guest companies from Japan, Beijing and Denmark.
Young Master Ales is one local brewery that has been making a name for itself since winning the Hong Kong "Homebrew Competition" last year.
Founder Rohit Dugara says innovation is the key to making a good craft beer.
Inspired by taste and smell combinations from Asian cuisine, he came up with the Cha Cha Soba Ale, made with buckwheat and matcha green tea powder.
"Our goal is to always do some conventional classic beer styles and execute well on it, and at the same time, do a few innovative styles. The way we think about it innovation is that we like to take inspiration from somewhere outside the beer world."
But the local brewery may face tougher competition this year, as more international brands are trying to lure the locals with their own ingredients.
Shiro Yamada is the CEO of Nippon Craft Beer.
Shiro's brewery is located in Belgium, but the ingredients are all from Japan.
"We use special ingredients from Japan, like sansho and yuzu. Sansho is more like a green pepper, like Sichuan pepper, and yuzu is like orange."
With growing enthusiasm for craft beer in the Hong Kong market, the Hong Kong Craft Beer Association was created.
Tony Cooper is the Chairperson.
"As much as there's craft beer from the States, the Europeans have been doing it for hundreds of years as well. So this new wave that's coming through is all very exciting. I mean, just look at Australia and New Zealand as well and their kind of, four, five, six years in to a great craft beer wave as well, so I think, you look at there and you can see what's going to happen in Hong Kong."
Hong Kong's market still lags far behind that of the US, with only four micro-breweries in operation.
That compares to more than two thousand in America.
But that also means huge market potential for breweries.
Moreover, they believe that Hong Kong could serve as a gateway for introducing craft beer to the Chinese mainland.
Rohit Dugara from Young Master Ales.
"I think Hong Kong can play a pivotal role in expanding craft beer in the region. It's a great place, it's a cosmopolitan city, there are people from all over the world, different walks of life, so it can really be a centre from where we also serve China and be sort of a leading place and be in the world, be on the map and building a reputation for top-notch quality."
For CRI, this is Wang Wei
Knicks bring Phil Jackson on as team president
In the NBA,
The New York Knicks have officially hired Phil Jackson as the new team president.
Jackson was a member of the Knicks' championship-winning teams back in 1970 and 1973, and then went on to become the league's most successful coach, winning 11 championship titles with the Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers.
Jackson spoke openly about his hopes of continuing to work with Knick's All-Star forward Carmelo Anthony, who is preparing to become a free agent this summer.
"There's no doubt about Carmelo being one of the top scorers in the league and maybe the best individual isolation players in the game. I have no problems with committing to saying (that) Carmelo is in the future plans. I think that there are number of things I see Carmelo doing as he moves forward and I said, I think I was on record a year ago, that I think that Carmelo, as great a player as he is, still has another level he can go to and I hope together with team we create he can get there."
Jackson will also have to decide the future of coach Mike Woodson, whose record has deteriorated to just 27-40 this season.
As far as game lineup goes:
Toronto just tipped off against Atlanta.
Miami vs. Cleveland
Then later at ten, two games tipping off. Washington is on the road at Sacramento. And Milwaukee is at Portland. Then at 10:30, the Golden State Warriors host Orlando.
And of course, don't miss tonight's opening finals game between Xinjiang and the Beijing Ducks. The first battle of the best of seven final series gets underway at 7:30 tonight in Xinjiang.
Arizona Diamondbacks and LA Dodgers get ready for opener in Sydney
In major league baseball,
The Arizona Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers are getting ready to open their 2014 season with an overseas match in Sydney Australia.
The game will take place on Sydney's famous cricket field, which is hallowed ground for Aussies.
MLB CEO Rob Manfred commented on the venue's transformation before the game.
"When I walked in here I thought this facility reminded me of our iconic ballparks. It looks like a Wrigley Field or a Fenway Park. I got a chance to tour this building before the press conference, back in the locker room and it's just a fantastic facility and I think it will be a great venue for baseball games."
It's not the first time a Major league baseball game has been played out at the Sydney Cricket Ground. A century ago in 1914, the Chicago White Sox beat the New York Giants 5-4 in an exhibition game.
Guangzhou Evergrande beat Jeonbuk Motors 3-1
In football,
Defending champions Guangzhou Evergrande defeated South Korean side Jeonbuk Motors 3-1 yesterday in the Asian Champions League.
Chinese player Liao Lisheng crossed to Gao Lin, who tapped in for a first close-range goal. Three minutes later Gao Lin doubled the lead with a header off a pass from midfielder Zhang Linpeng.
Jeonbuk reduced the margin minutes before the break, but never took over in the second half. Liao Lisheng then finished out the scoring with a sharp header to make it 3-1.
Marcello Lippi was his characteristically composed self, watching on the sidelines as his team neatly wrapped up the win. Guangzhou now leads Group G with seven points from three matches.
Elsewhere in the Asian Champions League,
Melbourne Victory defeated visiting Japanese side Yokohama Marinos 1-0. Both teams had only one point from two matches, but Melbourne now moves to five points from three.
Wins for Afghanistan and Bangladesh at T20 World Cup
In cricket,
Play continues at the ICC World Twenty20 tournament in Bangladesh.
In group A, Afganistan kept their tournament hopes alive after beating Hong Kong by 7 wickets.
Hosts Bangladesh defeated Nepal by eight wickets. Right at the start, Bangladeshi medium fast bowler Al-Amin Hossain dismantled Nepal's bowlers and took two wickets in three deliveries. The Nepalese never recovered.
Bangladesh is now on the verge of qualifying for the main draw's Super 10.
The Aussies kick off their campaign this weekend, and have their sights locked on that one trophy that has alluded them so far: a World Cup.
Batsman Shane Watson believes his side has the power and the talent to win this time.
(bjh/soundbite 0319 Watson, in English)
"For me, this is the best squad that we have ever picked in Twenty20 cricket. We've got experience all the way down through our batting order. We've got power all the way through our batting order which is going to mean that we've got guys up until eight and nine who can win a match off their own bat. What is very important in Twenty20 cricket is to have a lot of match winners and bowling wise we've got a number of match winners as well. "
One blow to the Australian side is the absence of fast bowler Mitchell Johnson, who has been ruled out of the tournament with a toe infection. Doug Bollinger will step in for Johnson, after having last appeared for Australia back in October 2011.
Alberto Contador wins Tierrno-Adriatico
In cycling,
Spain's Alberto Contador triumphed at the Tierrno-Adriatico yesterday, his first multi-stage race victory after a winless 2013.
(bjh/soundbite 0319 Contador, in English)
"You win...of course also the Tirreno-Adriatico is also a good race and also I have in my curriculum, no. For me it is very special and then I am happy with my performance as well, day by day I go better and recover well and I hope to continue the same in the next months."
The five time Grand Tour winner finished with an overall lead of two minutes and fives seconds. Tour de France runner-up Nairo Quintana came in second overall.
Chris Brown to stay in Jail
(Chris Brown)
Controversial singer Chris Brown has been ordered to spend another month in jail after he was discharged from his rehabilitation center, thus violating the terms of his probation. Los Angeles Judge James R. Brandlin says Brown was kicked out of rehab after he made some troubling comments.
"I'm particularly troubled that there was a statement that was allegedly made by the defendant during the quote 'morning reflections,' where when reading the card, Mr. Brown chose to add his own words to the card stating that -- quote -- 'I am good at using guns and knives' -- unquote."
Brown was dismissed on Friday from the Malibu rehabilitation facility where he was receiving treatment for anger management, substance abuse and issues related to bipolar disorder.
The Grammy-winning artist has been under court supervision since pleading guilty to the felony assault of his then-girlfriend Rihanna in an attack hours before the 2009 Grammy Awards.
Judge Brandlin has not indicated any potential penalties he is considering if Brown is indeed found to have violated his probation. His next hearing will be on April 23rd.
MIA asks Madonna to foot $16 million NFL fine
MIA is facing a $16.6 million dollar fine for flipping her middle finger during her NFL Super Bowl performance with Madonna in 2012.
The singer took to Twitter to ask Madonna to lend her the heft sum, which is broken down into $1.5 million original fine and $15.1 million in restitution as the fine had gone unpaid for two years.
The organisers of the Super Bowl claim that the restitution sum is what advertisers would have paid during her two-minute slot on stage.
MIA hit back saying that the actions of the NFL is, I quote, "intended solely to bully and make an example of Respondents for daring to challenge the NFL."
The star went on to list past controversial performances by the likes of Michael Jackson and Prince during their half time show.
Miley Cyrus' bus burns down
(Miley Cyrus)
Miley Cyrus' tour bus has burnt down whilst the singer is currently touring America with her "Bangerz Tour".
The vehicle was completely destroyed by the fire but thankfully no one was injured.
The incident happened on Monday night as Cyrus' entourage was en route from Houston to New Orleans.
Whilst the Bangerz Tour has been going down with audiences, it has not been without drama.
Last week, Cyrus was forced to perform in her underwear after missing a quick costume change on the Milwaukee leg.
Ever the busy bee, Cyrus has recently been in the studios with non-other than the Flaming Lips.
So keep your eyes peeled for their collaboration.
Star Wars Episode 7 to be set 30 years after Return of Jedi
(Star Wars)
The highly anticipated Star Wars reload is set to start shooting this May.
It has now been revealed that the JJ Abrams revamp will be set 30 years after the Reutnr of the Jedi.
The statement was released on the Star Wars website, promising a crop of fresh faces alongside some familiar friends of the franchise.
Well what we know for sure is that R2D2 is guaranteed to grace the big screen once more.
Elsehwere Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o and Girls' actor Adam Driver are being tapped to lead.
Star Wars Episode 7 is slated for release in December 2015.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
Russia is now a larger country, with President Vladimir Putin signing a treaty to absorb Crimea into the Russian Federation.
There could be a new lead into the disappearance of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
New reports are suggesting the man dubbed "Russia's Bin Laden" has been killed in a special operation.
In Business... Chinese automaker Geely has taken out a 20-billion yuan loan to cover costs and expand its international operations.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.
