听歌学英语: 只有爱能解释 Trademark - Only Love(在线收听

Trademark发迹于德国的三人乐团,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个酒吧,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作了起娱乐表演。这一切就像是励志电影一样,机缘巧合遇见自己的天赋,并为之努力。Trademark的音乐融合了性感、抒情摇滚乐风和一种高亢 美式和声唱腔。

Two.a.m.and the rain is falling凌晨2点,下着雨  
Here we are at the crossroads once again我们再次来到这分手的十字路口  
You're telling me you're so confused你告诉我你是那么彷徨 
You can't make up your mind你无法下定决心   
Is this meant to be那是不是意味着   
You're asking me你在向我寻找答案  
But only love can say try again or walk away但是只有爱才可以解释,是应该重新再来还是默默走开   
But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,对于你我来说  
The sun will shine one day有一天,太阳还会升起  
So i'll just play my part所以我只是扮演好自己的角色  
Pray you'll have a change of heart祈祷你会回心转意  
But I can't make you see it through但我却无法让你明白   
That's something only love can do有些事只有爱才可以解释   
In your arms as the dawn is breaking清晨,依偎在你的怀里   
Face to face and a thousand miles apart面对面而心却相距千里   
I've tried my best to make you see 我倾尽全力想让你明白  
There's hope beyond the pain那些痛楚过后还会有希望 
If we give enough - if we learn to trust只要我们能学着付出,只要我们能彼此信任  
But only love can say - try again or walk away但是只有爱才可以解释,重新再来或默默走开   
But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,对于你我来说  
The sun will shine one day有一天,太阳还会升起  
So I just play my part所以我只是扮演好自己的角色  
And pray you'll have a change of heart同时祈祷你的心会回来  
But I can't make you see it through但我却无法让你明白  
That's something only love can do有些事只有爱才可以解释  
I know if I could find the words   
to touch you deep inside我知道如果能够找到那些可以触动你内心深处的话
You'd give our dream just one more chance 你会再给我们的爱一次机会  
Don't let this be our last goodbye不会让这一次成为我们的永别

歌词:You're telling me you're so confuse, You can't make up your mind.
1. Confuse: vt.使困惑;使混乱;混淆。可以与介词with连用,表示“把…同…弄混了”。 比如:
I often confuse you and your brother.
2. 由confuse演变而来的形容词有confused和confusing,两者有什么区别呢?一般说来ed形容词用来形容人,表示“感到.…的”;ing形容词用来形容物,表示“令人…的”。来比较一下surprised和surprising:
We are really surprised at this news.
This news is really surprising
同理,confused表示“感到困惑的,混乱的”。歌词”You're telling me you're so confused”
The question is so hard, and we're getting confused.
The meaning of this word is confusing.
3. Make up one’s mind: 下定决心。后面接动词不定式表示下决心做某事,比如:
I have made up my mind to go with him.
歌词:I'll just play my part, pray you'll have a change of heart.
1. Play one’s part: 这个短语来自于影视表演,part是“角色”的意思,也可以说成role,整个短语的意思是“扮演…角色,起…作用”,在part/role 之前通常有一个形容词来修饰。比如:
China plays an important part/role in world's peace keeping.
2. Have a change of heart: 改变看法,回心转意。
You might have a change of heart based on what I tell you.
歌词:I can't make you see it through, that's something only love can do.
See through: 看穿。可以指看穿实实在在的事物,也可以表示看穿人的诡计、心思等。来听几个例句:
Please clean the windows as they are too dirty to see through.
Move aside ,please ,I can not see through you .
It is easy for me to see through his trick.
