听歌学英语:用色彩点亮黑夜 Richard Ashcroft - Break The Night With Color(在线收听

"Break The Night With Colour",来自于Richard Ashcroft。这位歌手作为神韵乐队的灵魂人物,有着英国人的俊秀面庞和忧郁的表情。他说早在5岁时我就意识到了生命的荒谬。想法很奇怪,也很独特,他的音乐梦想是要创作那些让人哭泣或者给人们带来另一种心境的音乐。

Break the night with colour用色彩打破夜晚
Fools they think i do not know, the road i'm taking傻子们觉得寡人不知道自己走了什么路
If you meet me on the way, hesitating如果你看到寡人在途中徘徊
That is just because i know which way i will choose只是因为寡人知道自己要选哪条路
The corridors of discontent, that i've been travelling走过了跛脚的走廊
On the lonely search for truth, the world's so frightening寡人只身一人寻找真相,世界如此颤抖
Nothing's going right today, cos nothing ever does今儿个啥都不对劲,因为没有啥事对劲过
I don't wanna know your secrets寡人可不想知道你的秘密
They lie heavy on my head知道了也是你忽悠人的
Let's break the night with colour让我们用色彩打破夜晚
Time for me to move ahead寡人得继续前进了
Love this life if you get a little light x4如果你看到一丝光明就热爱生活吧
Monday morning coming down, lack understanding得!周一又如期而至,还没缓过来呢
Mama thinks you are the clown, your looking so frightening俺妈眯觉得你就是个小丑,你看起来在担惊受怕
Nothing's going right today, cos nothing ever does今儿个啥都不对劲,因为没事对劲过
I don't wanna know your secrets寡人可不想知道你有啥破秘密
They lie heavy on my head知道了也是你忽悠人的
Time for me to break my cover寡人该揭穿你的面具了
Time for me to move ahead寡人得前行了
(you think of giving it up, here we go again)(你想放弃,我们还是在继续)
(you think of giving it up, here they come again)(你想放弃,他们又来了)
I don't wanna know your secrets寡人可不想知道你的破秘密
They lie heavy on my head就知道你忽悠人
Let's break the night with colour让我们用色彩打破夜晚
Time for us to move ahead我们要前进
I said i don't wanna know your secrets寡人都说了,对你的秘密不感兴趣
They lie heavy on my head都是你瞎编糊弄
Time, let's break the night with colour时间,我们用色彩打破夜晚
Time for me to move ahead寡人得前行了
(you think of giving it up)(你想放弃)

歌词:If you meet me on the way, hesitating. That is just because I know which way I will choose.
1. Hesitate: 基本意思是“犹豫”“踌躇 ”,引申可表示“不情愿”。常常接的介词有about,at或in,表示对某事犹豫不决。比如:
He hesitated about what to do next.他对下一步做什么犹豫不决。
2. Hesitate后面接between…and连接的并列结构,表示在两者之间犹豫不决。
They hesitate between fighting and submitting.
3. Hesitate to do与hesitate about doing这两种表达方式结构不同,但是意思一样。比如:
She seems to hesitate to answer.=She seems to hesitate about answering.
歌词:The corridors of discontent, that I've been travelling.
1. Corridor 走廊,指的是建筑物中一侧或两侧都有门通往各房间的走廊。比如:
The corridor opens into his office.
2. 火车上那种座位之间的走廊就不能叫corridor了,它有个固定的名词叫做aisle,指两排椅子中间的过道。比如:
I will manage to arrange an aisle seat for you.
3. Discontent: n.不满;adj.不满的;v.令(人)不满
There was an expression of discontent on her face.
4. Discontent的反义词是 content,做形容词表示“满足的;满意的”,后面常常加介词with,比如:
I am very content withmy life at present.
5. Content作为名词表示“内容; 目录; 含量”。比如:
The essay is excellent both in form and in content.

歌词:Monday morning coming down, lack understanding.
1. 作为及物动词后面直接加名词,比如:
He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。
2. 作为不及物动词时,后面加介词for,要注意常常用于否定句,比如:
She does not lack for friends.
3. 上述这点在高考中很少出现,出现得多的是短语be lacking in,表示“缺少、缺乏”。比如:
Many of our young workers are lacking in proper training.
4. 作为名词的时候,lack后面加介词of,注意这时候前面就不要加多余的词了,来听例句:
Lack of heat made us cold.
