
Premier Li Keqiang is in Longtoushan Township, the epicenter of Sunday’s earthquake, to oversee disaster relief efforts.

The premier said that every household in the town should be reached within 48 hours to minimize casualties. He told local officials, soldiers and police to coordinate and to not give up. Li said that rescue, medical treatment, evacuation and relocation need to be fast and effective. And he told government departments to prepare for reconstruction.

President Xi Jinping has ordered all-out relief efforts. He said that saving lives is the top priority and that monitoring and forecasts of aftershocks should be strengthened to avoid secondary disasters.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has offered his condolences. He said that the UN stands ready to lend humanitarian assistance, and to mobilize any international support needed

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang talks to the relief officers and soldiers at the earthquake zone in southwest China

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang talks to the relief officers and soldiers at the earthquake zone in southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 4, 2014. Premier Li Keqiang walked into Longtoushan Township of Ludian County Monday to examine the situation of the earthquake and instruct the quake relief work. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
