美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-07-13(在线收听

 Israel has stepped up its offenisve against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, hitting scores of targets. Israeli leaders signaled the ground invasion could happy soon to try to stem militant rocket attacks. The Palestinian president accused Israel of committing genocide.

A typhoon in Japan was downgraded to a storm as it swerved toward the heavily populated main islands Wednesday. Earlier, it slammed the southern islands of Okinawa, dumping heavy rains, knocking out power and injuring dozens of people.
Former New Orleans major Ray Nagin was sentenced to 10 years in prison, convicted on bribery, money laundering and curruption charges. Prosecutors say his criminal activity spanned his two terms as major, including the chaotic years after hurricane Katrina.
The obscure colonial-era practice of machete fencing is getting new attention in Haiti where a fan group has formed. The Haitian tradition fuses African stick-fighting with European saber fencing and can be traced back to Haiti's Slavery Revolution of the late 1700s.