NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-07-14(在线收听

 From Npr washington, I am xxx, as rockets flew over Gaza this week and the UN security council called a cease fire in the Israely Palestania conflict as well as direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Palestinia xxx told reporters and the UN that Palestinia will watch Israeli closely, we very understand that to have a immediate cease fire in place and go to the cease fire that was in place negotiating between Hamas and Israeli through the brockship of Egypt, Palestinian health officials say since Tuesday, a thousand people wounded of the more than 145 died in the violance, in Iraq at least 29 people were killed unscaled the disturb in Baghdad,. npr xxx reported it is the latest sign of the growing violence and lawless in the captial, at least 20 of the dead were women in the reported it was not clear who were the gun men when they commited the murder but people in the neigborhood  have accused of the Shie Muslim killed the women, they accused of the prostitution, meanwhile the human watchdog accused the shiet muslim dominated the security forces killed 259 SUni prisoners in five separate massurs between June 9 and June 21, xxx said the mass killing may be evidence of war crimes against humanity,  and called for investigation, and the governor xxx said 5 thousand volunteer fighters were being airlifted into the Iraq battle, for the extreme islamic state but also restriction by phone said that they have seen no reinforcement under day or that seage, xxx npr news, xxx/

a xx period is now in places truckers of the reports Los Agilice in the long beach, a waited and xxx investigation by the los anglies xxx commission the driver are alleging unfair labor practices they picked down their picks sign request of xxx New Yorker city, meanwhile xxx told us the on going labour uncertainty.  