面试英语口语脱口而出 第23期:申请会计师(在线收听

   1.I want to apply for the accountant in your corporation and I think it is not beyond attainment.

  2.I am calling to apply for a job as an accountant.
  3.The main courses I took included commercial accounting, cost accounting, industrial accounting, electronic accounting, and so on.
  4.I worked as accounting assistant in an export company where the wide experience of tax has given me all-round knowledge of accounting.
  5.Could you tell me something about cash control?
  6.Are you familiar with American-styled accounting?
  7.Do you have resolution to apply for this position?
  8.In accounting, cash means all items that are acceptable for depositing in a bank.
  9.When I was in college, I worked as an assistant accountant with American General Electric China Inc.,for 2 summers.
  10.I am familiar with accounting of construction enterprise,but I can't apply my knowledge there.
  Dialogue 1
  A:Hello, ABC Company. Can I help you?
  A: 你好,这里是ABC公司。请问有什么要帮助的吗?
  B: Yes, of course. I am calling to apply for a job as an accountant.
  B: 是的,我想应聘会计一职。
  A: Can you name some courses you completed?
  B: Sure. The main courses I took included commercial accounting, cost accounting, industrial accounting, electronic accounting ,and so on.
  B: 当然,我修过的主要课程有商业会计、成本会计、工业会计、 会计电算化等。
  Dialogue 2
  A: Hello, this is Sunshine Trading Company. Can I help you?
  A: 你好,阳光贸易公司、请问有什么需要帮助的吗?
  B: Yes. I want to apply for the accountant in your corporation and I think it is not beyond attainment.
  B: 是的,我想应聘会计一职,我自认为我有能力争取到该职位。
  A: Great. Could you tell me something about cash control?
  A: 好的,你能谈谈现金控制吗?
  B: Yes, of course. In accounting, cash means all items that are acceptable for depositing in a bank.
  B: 当然可以。在会计学上,现金指的是可被银行接收作为存储的所有项目。