名校励志英语演讲 第193期:一切皆有可能(15)(在线收听

   Nothing makes me prouder than to know that this is my culture. Like all of you, I am very proud to be Chinese, and very grateful that I have been given the gift of this wonderful heritage. It is a gift that serves as a source of strength and as a guiding compass every single day in my life and in my career.

  In closing, I encourage all of you to take full advantage of the gifts you have been given.
  You have the benefit of a precious cultural heritage, including a respect for the value of hard work. You know what is important and you work to achieve it. And your are tenacious in pursuing your goals.
  As you pursue these goals, I encourage you to aspire high.
  Dream big dreams. Dream bold dreams. Dream as far as your imagination will take you.
  Whatever it is you dream of, there is no doubt in my mind you can do it. The world is open to you. So go out there and make all your dreams come true.