英语听力:自然百科 秋日黄石公园 Autumn—20(在线收听

 As the snow returns to Yellowstone, it seems like the clock is turning back. All traces of the human world are covered up. A reminder that when the heart of this great wilderness was made a national park nearly 140 years ago, it was one of the most remote places on earth. 

But as the human world has crept up on Yellowstone, the true value of this remarkable space has become ever clearer.
Though in many ways, Yellowstone is not big enough, its influence reaches far beyond its boundaries, not just to the land around, but wherever there is a wilderness preserved for its own sake. 
Here, in the heart of America, the first national park was born,an idea that has led the way in redefining our relationship with the wild all over the world, some say America’s best idea.