美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-12(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama refused to give a time limit on America’s renewed military involvement in Iraq while speaking to media just before leaving for a vacation.  The President repeated that the US will not have American combat troops in Iraq again. 

2. Egyptian brokered border talks between Israel and Hamas were throwing into doubt after senior officials said an Israeli team could not rejoin negotiations in Cairo unless rocket fire from Gaza stops. Israeli airstrikes struck more than 20 targets Saturday in the Gaza Strip and killed a senior Hamas member. 
3. The Iraqi military released footage of alleged air raids in Anbar Province, saying the pictures showed airstrikes on positions held by the Islamic State Group. The group has established its idea of Islamic state in the territory it controls in Iraq and Syria, imposing its harsh interpretation of Islamic law
4. Police in New York are on the hunt for a prolific bank robber who wears many hats. Authorities say the man donned a range of wacky headpieces as he committed 8 bank robberies over the course of 2.5 months. 