美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-13(在线收听

 1. Tony Stewart pulled out of the Nascar race in Upstate New York Sunday,  12 hours after striking and killing fellow sprint car driver Kevin Ward Jr. Race officials announced the change at a news conference. Ward had climbed from his car and was on the track trying to confront Stewart when Ward was hit. 

2. Israeli officials and Gaza militants have both accepted an Egyptian proposal for a new 72-hour cease-fire set to begin Sunday evening. The cease-fire clears the way for the resumption of indirect talks on a longer-term agreement. 
3. A regional passenger plane crashed in Iran killing 39 people and injuring another 9 on board. The plane took off from the capital Teheran and went down in a residential area after the tail struck an electric cable. 
4. And a high dive competition drew large crowds in Kosovo. 27 divers took the plunge by diving off a bridge across a river. Spectators lined the river banks and watched on rafts. 