NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-08-11(在线收听

 US jet fighters continue to pound Islamic State forces in Iraq. US central command says four more air strikes today took out armored carriers and a truck, that were firing on civilians near Sinjar. Refugees have been taking shelter in the Sinjar Mountains. XXX reporter Michelle Profero tells NPR, US aid drops are continuing as well.

There have been air drops by the Americans, the Turks in the Iraqis of food. The American * move quite extensive, but at the same time, you know, you drop in 8,000 meals and water. That's an awful lot to drop from a plane, but it's no where near enough for them. They have got 40,000 to 60,000 people out there.
In a statement today, president Obama warned Americans that the new US military campaign in Iraq could take time. He described it as a long-term project.
A largest *tailed rebel's strong holding in Ukraine, Donetsk is said to be surrounded by Ukrainian troops. Inside the city the top separatist leader says his forces are willing to accept a cease-fire to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe there. Ukraine's president says its country is prepared to allow aid in, but he says that mission must be international in character.
Chances for a peace agreement between Israel and Hamas militants any time soon are rather low after a bloody month of fighting. NPR's Alice Fordham reports from Gaza that renewed violence has killed five today.
Israel says more than 17 rockets were fired in the 24 hours after the three-day cease-fire expired. The barrage came after Palestinian officials express frustration with peace talks in Cairo. They want more freedom of movement and goods into and out of the Gaza Strip among other demands. But Israel, which controls most crossings, has not yet budged on the issue and since rocket fire restarted has suspended its engagement in the talks. A UN spokesman Chris Gunman says 65,000 homes have already been destroyed in the fighting and called for a political solution. Alice Fordham, NPR news, Gaza.
China is defending its decision of built lighthouses on some disputed islands in the South China Sea. NPR's Frank Langfitt says Beijing says they are needed to facilitate navigation. 
China plans to build on five islands, including two said to be in water claimed by Vietnam. Chinese says the lighthouses will not violate international law. The move would fly in the face of a call by the Philippines and the US not to change the status of the disputed formations in the area. Neighboring countries complained China is trying to gain control of the South China Sea by making move that aren't aggressive enough to spark conflict but still establish precedence *on land and sea. In May, China put an oil rig in water Vietnam considers its exclusive economic zone. And the Philippines says China has used a dredge to build on an island where it plans to construct an runway. Frank Langfitt, NPR news, Shanghai.
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Authorities in Kitsap County, Washington, say a 17-year-old has been arrested in connection with the death and sexual assault of a 6-year-old girl. The body was found last weekend near the mobile home Park where she lived. Sheriff's detective Earl Smith says the boy was arrested without incident at his home in that same mobile home Park and he will be booked on suspicion of second-degree murder, manslaughter and rape. 
Detroit is joining in with the Justice Department in request in a removal of a federal monitor, who's being overseeing the city's police department. Quinn Klinefelter of member station WDET reports the department's been operating under a federal consent decree for ten years now. The consent decrees require Detroit police to stop illegally detaining people, clean up fouling cells and hold the excessive use of deadly force. City officials argue that the department has made significant strides since then and want the federal judge to remove the monitor and their nearly 90,000 dollar a month salary, and move to a transitional agreement. If approved, the agreement will begin later this month, just days before the start of a trial over Detroit's plan to exit bankruptcy. That Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality argues the force has not made the necessary improvements and vows to challenge the request to remove the monitor in court. For NPR news, I am Quinn Klinefelter, in Detroit.
And police in Minneapolis now say 9 people were hurt in a shooting at a downtown nightclub last night, that includes a Pro football player. The Minnesota Viking say defensive tackle Linval Joseph was shot in the calf. He was treated for a minor injury and released. Two others were seriously hurt. But most of the other injuries were minor.