NPR 美国国家电台 2014-09-08(在线收听

 From NPR news in Washington. I am Richard Lehears. The White House says  president Obama has decided to delay acting on immigration until after the mid-term elections. As NPR's more alliance report the move takes a controversial executive action off the table during campaign season. President Obama is going to wait until after November to use his executive authority to give temporary deportation relief to immigrates in the country illegally who meets certain criteria. He's already done so for the so-called dreamers, young people brought here illegally as children. In June he says he would act soon after his adviser gave him recommendation at the end of summer. But since then, he's came across the pressure from Senate, Democrats running for reelection in red states who are worried about the backlash from Republicans. Many republicans consider amnesty, anything that offers legalization even temporally to undocumented workers. Immigrates advocacy groups were disappointed by the news. But white House say that there is no possibility that the president is backing off his plan to act unilaterally. He is merely adjusting the timing. Maura Lisen, NPR news, Washington. In an interview for tomorrow's meet the press. Obama says he wants more time to let the american people know why the executive action is right for the country. 
