财富精英励志演讲 第151期:携手打造电子化世界(3)(在线收听

 We think this approach is well aligned with the needs of customers like the Xiamen Post and Telecommunication Authority. The comprehensive solution we implemented for its Internet Service Provider required both UNIX and NT systems, and our ability to manage and support both environments was critical to the success of the project. Furthermore, we've been working very hard to build bridges between these two worlds. In fact, HP has been the only company with an explicit strategy of bringing these two worlds together. We're working on all levels shown here. We don't have time to go into detail on each, but let me give you some examples in each area. In the area of services and support, HP now provides consulting services in Windows 95, NT and Desktop Exchange. We've created a joint Enterprise Solution Center with Microsoft. And we at HP have created a strong support offering for NT. We're collaborating in the area of high availability. I'll have more to say about that later, when I talk about our PC strategy. In the area of security, Microsoft has endorsed Ver Secure, the cryptography technology developed by HP that the United States government has just approved for export. HP OpenView is the only management platform that is certified for Microsoft BackOffice, and parts of OpenView are being bundled with the next release of Microsoft's Systems Management Server.

我们认为,这一方式可以很好地满足客户的不同需求,具体的实例如厦门邮电局。我们为其因特网服务供应商提供的综合性解决方案既需要UNIX系统,也需要NT系统,而我们可以管理和支持这两个环境。这是该项目取得成功的关键。此外,我们一直努力在这两者之间架起一座桥梁。实际上,惠普是唯一一家将这两者融为一体并制定了明确的战略的公司。所以正如大家所见,我公司致力于所有这些层面的业务。因时间的关系,我今天的发言没办法做到面面俱到,但我可以在每一领域举例说明。在服务和支持方面,惠普现提供有关 Windows 95、NT 和 Desktop Exchange方面的咨询服务。我们与微软公司共同建立了一个企业解决方案中心。惠普公司在NT系统方面提供强有力的支持。我们两公司在高度可用性方面进行了紧密合作。稍后等我谈到我们的PC战略时将对此详细论述。在安全方面,微软公司已表示支持惠普公司开发的安全加密技术VerSecure。这一技术最近刚获得美国政府允许出口的准许。惠普的OpenView是目前唯一针对 Microsoft BackOffice 开发的管理平台,其中的一部分与微软的系统管理服务器捆绑在一起,拟在近期推出。