听歌学英语:马来西亚歌手Zee Avi-I AM ME ONCE MORE 我做回了我自己(在线收听

面对一个自以为是的男人,你可以不屑一顾,也可以像ZEE AVI一样证明给他看,没有你,我一样可以好好生活!这首歌充分表明了Zee Avi的立场。

歌词“you’d think I’d be incapable of being on my own你认为我没有能力一个人生活”

词组:on one's own 靠自己的力量,独自地,独立
例句:He studied English on his own.
Since you are so busy I'll watch the movie on my own.

No 不
I really don’t think so 我真的不这么认为
that you’d think I’d be incapable 你认为我没有能力
of being on my own 一个人生活
No 不
I really don't think so 我真的不这么认为
that I would for a second let you 我将会有一秒钟让你
back in through my door 再次进入我的家门
I have spent 我虚度了
many a-nights even when 许多个夜晚
you were by my side 有你陪伴在身边的夜晚
I shed tears I couldn’t dry 我泪流不止
I shed tears I couldn’t dry 我泪流不止
But I should thank you for 不过我应该谢谢你
taking my blindfold off 因为你使我的眼不再被遮蔽
now I ain't jaded no more, no more 现在我早已不能再厌倦
And I take pride 并且我骄傲
in being the one that said goodbye 为自己是说出再见的那一方而骄傲
that could only mean 那只能说明
I am me, once more 我做回了我自己,又一次做回自己
You would turn your head the other way 你会把头转向另一边
so you wont have to listen to what I had to say 所以你不必听我的述说
You assumed that I needed you 你断定我需要你
but you didn't realize that 然而你却没有意识到
I needed no one but myself 我除了自己不需要任何人
I needed no one but myself 我除了自己不需要任何人
But I should thank you for不过我应该谢谢你
taking my blindfold off因为你使我的眼不再被遮蔽
now I amn't jaded no more, no more现在我早已不能再厌倦
And I take pride 并且我骄傲
in being the one that said goodbye 为自己是说出再见的那一方而骄傲
That could only mean I am me, once more那只能说明,我做回了我自己,又一次做回自己
That could only mean I am me, once more那只能说明,我做回了我自己,又一次做回自己
That could only mean I am me, once more那只能说明,我做回了我自己,又一次做回自己
