英语听力:自然百科 海洋天堂大堡礁:堡礁内外—21(在线收听

 A cyclone can be over 500kms across with a wind swirling around the eye of 300kms per hour.It was the most destructive force that great barrier reef must face.And in Feb,2011,this part of reef was hamered by the biggest storm in the living memory,cyclone Yazi.This is special braodcast of 9 news with Fitter live in the cyclone.Good evening,and wellcome to the special edition of 9 news live from daily base,the cyclone Yazi based down on north Queensland.This is the light of  the satilite emages of the biggest cyclone Astralia has experieced in more than 100 years. Estimated to have the same density as hurricane Catrina.It's category 5,you can't get anything more powerful.Daybreak exposes the ferosity of cyclone Yazi.We are expecting to get to tommorow morning.The things are of deverstation and heartbreak.Things are unprecidented  in not only Queensland but also in Astralia history.Island resorts were destroyed and masssive storm surge smashed into marinas,demolishing everything it touched.
