美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-19(在线收听

 A second health care worker in Dallas has diagnosed with Ebola. CDC officials say the nurse will be flown to Atlanta for treatment. She was part of a hospital team in Texas that cared for a Liberian man who died from Ebola last week.

Prosecutors called their first witness in the sentencing hearing for former Olympian Oscar Pistorius. The judge heard from Reeva Stennkamp's cousin. She's the first relative of Stennkamp to testfiy in the months-long trial. Pistoruis was found guilty of culpable homicide for the shooting of his girlfriend. He faces up to 15 years in prison.
At least a dozen people are dead after an avalanche and blizzard hits northern Nepal. The victims include foreign hikers with some from Canada. The death toll is expected to rise.
And another spacewalk at the International Space Station. Astronauts replaced a failed electrical unit. It's the station's second successful spacewalk in 2 weeks.