NPR 美国国家电台 2014-10-5(在线收听

 Doctors in Spain are closely monitoring condition of a nurse assistant with Ebola. She is in serious condition. Reporting from Madrid lory flare says 15 people are quarantining for exposure of the patients. 

After Ebola crisis meeting, Spanish officials are urging calm, saying the country about with the virus is closely contained. 
“There is no one in Spain with the capacity to transmit Ebola except the effected patient who is in isolation says crisis spokesman Dr. @@. He says none of those quarantines show any symptom and this is the time of that is less likely to do so. 
Assistant nurse Teresa Romero Ramos is still in very serious condition a week after being diagnosed with Ebola. She caught the virus with one of 2 Spanish missionaries who worked in West Africa and came to Madrid for treatment. They both died. For NPR News, I’m Lory Flare in Madrid. 
Head of Center for Disease, Control & Prevention at Atlanta is advising officials of US hospitals to be aware of possible symptoms of Ebola. CDC director Thomas Frieden's remark was coming on the heels of the identification of the first person who caught the disease within the US. 26-year-old Nina Pham is a Dallas nurse, who had been treating a man who contracted the virus well in Liberia. CDC says it’s now monitoring all people who treated the individual. 
Halfway through a 2 weeks Catholic Bishops assembling on family issues. The tone of a Vatican reporting on usually conciliatory toward a situation contradict to church doctrine. NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli says the Bishops are welcome into the church gays and non-marital unions.  
There are no decision or changes in church’s condemnation of homosexual acts and gay marriage. But the report reflects Pope Francis call for a more merciful church. One Vatican analyst describes its tone as a pastoral earthquake. The reporter says gay have gift and quality to offer an exterritorial a capable of welcoming these people. Are our commutes capable of accepting and valuing their sex orientation without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony. It's far a cry from official church teaching that homosexuality is intrinsically disorder. The report also stresses that's a positive aspect to a couple living together without being married. Sylvia Poggioli, NPR News, Rome. 
According to Iraqi security official, militants who so-call Islamic State would be able to seize military training camp in western Iraq. In Baghdad, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says airstrikes carried out by the US-led coalitional helping, but he said it's not enough. 
"The heavy working on the ground is going to have to be done by Iraqi forces, and it's going to have to be done by the Sunni communities in the areas that ISIS occupies."
Spate of bombing is around Iraqi capital today, meanwhile claiming at least 30 lives. 
On Wall Street, stock closure sharply lowered. The Dow down 223 points; the NASDAQ lost 62 points. 
It's NPR. 
Even as Turkey State-owned news agency says the Turkey and US have agreed to train and equip fighters battling with Islamic State. The country leader is saying there's nothing new. Turkey, which sits on the border with Syria, is also reportedly to be in discussion with US about allowing for the use of a Turkish military base by US forces. And Turkish demand no-fly-zone in safety haven for refugees be curved off. Yesterday US defense officials said the Turkey would allow US and coalition forces use its bases. 
Gone Girl remains the top draw on among movie audiences in US and Canada. NPR's Triner Williams reports the mystery earned estimated 26,8 million dollars in ticket sells. 
Gone Girl is going nowhere as it holds tight at the top of the chart for the second consecutive weekend. 
"As you know, my wife, Amy Ely Dunne, disappeared 3 days ago."
Ben Affleck portrays a husband whose wife is missing. 
"Without body, without murder weapon, they're only hoping is a confession."
Eventually, the doubt is cast on these innocents. Dracula Untold into the chart number 2. Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day debuts in third place. Annabelle fell to number 4 and new released The Judge closed off the top 5 movies. Triner Williams, NPR News. 
Thousands packed the streets of New York City today for the annual Columbus Day parade, one of the world's largest celebrations of Italian American heritage. Parade also offers a major showcase for political candidates have their November election. This year's marching is including Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo and his Republican rival Westchester County Executive Robert Astorino. New York mayor Bill de Blasio was also among the marching. The annual parade began in 1929. 