
KDFW: Ooooh, son.

KDFW: He saddles up everyday and hits the open range.

Egon Settle: There you go.

KDFW: Which in this case is one of the busiest commercial districts in North Texas

Egon Settle: I've got a horse. This is Texas. I'll ride my horse if I have to.

KDFW: Egon Settle mounts up as a way to battle mounting fuel prices.

Egon Settle: Gas will never control me.

KDFW: Five weeks' trotting around Arlington on Free Fallen and he’s already saved nearly 500 dollars in gas.

Egon Settle: I have a lot of people that, recently, they'll pull over. They'll come and shake my hand and say, "I appreciate what you're doing, the statement that you're making."

KDFW: This hair stylist uses the horse mainly for errands, ten miles a day, usually to the bank, or even to grab a bite to eat.

Egon Settle: To go, a curly fry...

KDFW: And with gas prices these days, the idea is catching on.

Unidentified Male: Oh, (inaudible) painful at a pump right now. I think not only me but everyone complain(s) about that, dude.

KDFW: You're gonna get yourself a horse?

Unidentified Male: Ah. I think so.

KDFW: Next time you are at the pump, getting gas, are you gonna think about the horse?

Unidentified Female: I am thinking about getting my bike out actually.

Egon Settle: Come on. Come on.

KDFW: When he's not galloping across town, Free Fallen is usually making a friend, or munching on a bale of hay and chaseing it with a five-gallon bucket of water. At an average cost of 3 dollars per day, Settle says he's got the best deal going. He admits he still loves to drive his truck, but he says even that doesn't fill his need for a steed.
