

  airport,boat,bus,coach 大客车;conductor 售票员;driver,inspector 检查员,稽查员; lorry 卡车(美作:truck),passenger,plane,pedestrian 行人;ride乘车;ship,taxi,taxicab,traffic,trolleybus 无轨电车;underground,tube,subway 地铁;van 厢式货车;etc.
  bus stop汽车站;cargo boat货船;commercial vehicle商用车;double-decker bus双层公共汽车;elevated railway, overhead railway高架铁路;highway code 交通法规;minimum fare (of a taxi)最低车费;open to traffic通车;passenger boat客船;private car, railway network铁路网;railway transport铁路运输;road user 道路使用者;rush hour, taxi driver, cab driver出租车司机;taxi rank, taxi stand计程车车站;出租车总站;traffic jam交通拥挤;traffic policeman交通JC;urban railway市区铁路;utility car公共车辆;etc.
  1.Are you traveling by train or bus?
  2.Can you tell me about how long it‘ll take to get to...?
  3.Can you take us to the train station?
  4.Do you know a faster route to...?
  5.How long is this flight?
  6.How many stops will the train / bus make on the way?
  7.How much does a return ticket cost?
  8.I want to buy a sleeper ticket to…?
  9.Keep the meter running.继续打表吧。
  10.Let us out here.让我们在这儿下车。
  11.What time will the plane land?
  12.When does the next train/bus leave for……?
  13.Where do I board my plane?
  14.Where is the ticket counter?