CNN Marketplace2006-03-09(在线收听

Michelle Wright: The New York Stock Exchange is now its own publicly traded company.
Susan Lisovicz: This is one of the most historic days at the New York Stock Exchange since a group of merchants got together under a buttonwood tree not far from where I stand, way back when in 1792.
CNN's Susan Lisovicz, the company's symbol on the Big Board is NYX.

Michelle Wright: Apples' iTunes music and video store is taking its first step towards monthly subscriptions with a service called Multi-Pass that lets users buy TV shows like the Daily Show or South Park, on a monthly basis for $9. 99 or just purchase individual shows for $1.99. Meanwhile a new study reveals that most folks who either own or about to purchase iPods would tolerate some advertising in exchange for free TV show downloads.

Gary Baumgarten: New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer is filing suit against radio chain Entercom saying that the employees at their 7 Western New York stations accepted gifts, trips and cash to play certain songs. Entercom Communications denies the allegation but Spitzer who has cracked down on record labels for offering incentives to radio stations says he is expanding enforcement now to the stations themselves. Paul Levinson, Fordham University's Communications Department chair asked why.
Paul Levinson: (inaudible) is a classic example of a victimless crime.
Gary Baumgarten: The listening public, Levinson argues, can simply switch to another station if they don't like the play given to songs on the ones influenced by the labels. Gary Baumgarten, CNN, New York.
Michelle Wright: Entercom is denying the charges.

Michelle Wright: And more tense moments in the Enron trial as former Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow continued his testimony against founder Kenneth Lay and CEO Jeffery Skilling. CNN's Chris Huntington reports that Fastow testified that a key goal of management was to make sure the company's stock price look good.
Chris Huntington: Fastow, many many times over, made clear that the sole purpose of these deals was to prop up Enron's finances, particularly to fool investors and to keep Enron's stock price up.
Fastow is the most senior former employee to testify so far.

With CNN Radio Marketplace, I'm Michelle Wright.

Buttonwood tree: 1792年,24位证券交易商在华尔街68号门口的一棵梧桐树下签订了一个协定,史称“梧桐树协议(Buttonwood Agreement)”,他们商定,以后每周用几个上午在这棵树下交易,规则有三条:只在会员间进行交易,不准外人参加,交易按规定收取佣金。一般都将该事件作为纽约股票交易所象征性的诞生标志。而这三条规则也成为后来交易所的基本规则。
chief financial officer(CFO): 财务总监
Big Board: 纽约股票交易所交易公告牌
