美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-12-12(在线收听

 This is the most important vote that any member of Congress can take. It is a vote that potentially sends America's sons and daughter into harm's way, and we do not take that responsibility lightly.

(John F.Kerry:)
The authorization, or AUMF should give the president the clear mandate and flexibility he needs to successfully prosecute the armed conflict against Daesh and affiliated forces. But the authorization should also be limited and specific to the threat posed by that group and by forces associated with it. It will be years, not by months, before it is defeated. We know that, that our coalition is measurably already making a difference. One thing is certain, Daesh will continue to spread until or unless it is stopped. So there should be no question that we, with our partners, have a moral duty and a profound international security interest and national security interests in stopping them.