美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-12-13(在线收听

 1. Four, three, two, one… this cannon was discovered in Detroit River, back in July of 2011, and was pulled from the water in October of the same year. And since then, it has been undergone restoration. And this cannon was underwater for 200 years. And yet it had started to corrode. It was covered with creations and zebra mussels and all of that. 

2. We are just doing a routine training dive and happened through an area that we have basically covered hundreds of times before. And just so happened that day the conditions were just perfect. The visibility was perfect and I saw it lying out there in the sand.
3. All is exciting for the team to have it here displayed. We brought a little bit history back to the city of Detroit. We will have an opportunity to bring kids here, our grandkids here, and it will always be displayed here for people to see.