
   Obama Asks Congress for Military Force Authorization against IS

  In a letter to Congress, President Obama contends that if left unchecked, ISIL will pose a threat beyond the Middle East, including the United States.
  But in making the symbolic request to Congress, Obama is also ruling out any large-scale ground combat operations involving US troops.
  "The resolution we submitted today does not call for the deployment of U.S. ground combat forces to Iraq or Syria. It is not the authorization of another ground war like Afghanistan or Iraq."
  The Obama administration has insisted that any ground combat operations should be left to local forces.
  His proposal to Congress contains an operational limit of 3-years.
  "I do not believe America's interests are served by endless war or by remaining on a perpetual war footing."
  But in setting the timeline, he says the move shouldn't be viewed as timetable for completing the mission, but rather an opportunity for Congress to revisit the situation at the beginning of the next President's term.
  The request is already creating political waves.
  Republican House Speaker John Boehner has issued a statement, saying -quote- "any authorization for the use of military force must give military commanders the flexibility and authority they need to succeed and protect our people."
  Boehner contends the request by Obama doesn't meet that standard.
  If US lawmakers do approve the request, it would be the first time in 13 years Congress has authorized a President's use of force.
  Lawmakers voted to give then-President George W. Bush the green light to invade Iraq in 2002.
  Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.