美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-1-15(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute

France is mobilizing ten thousands of security forces to protect the country after 3 days of terror attacks. France’s defense minister said the deployment will begin Tuesday and will focus on the most sensitive locations.
Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry said he will travel to Paris later this week to show solidarity with French people. The Obama administration has been criticized for not having a senior official at Sunday’s rally for unity.
The flight data recorder from Air-Asia flight 8501 is in the hands of Indonesia investigators and divers have located the voice recorder but have not recovered it yet. The so called “black boxes” are expected to be crucial in determining what caused the plane to crash into the Java Sea.
And in Detroit, the Ford F-150 took top honors Monday morning, named North America Truck of the Year at the North America International Auto Show. The car of the year is the Volkswagen Golf.
Kelly Daschle, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.