
What the hell is that?

There's some kind of unidentified bogie coming in from the north.

Roger that.

And it's coming in fast.

He has a huge responsibility and Martha is only one that he can talk to about, he, you know, he's altered ...his other personality. Um, so when he comes back and, and he's kind of faced with, you know, how do I get back in the society. Um, you know, how do I...I was never really in it, in the first place, but my little part...the little part of me that was, is... is now, has now but/been challenged that, that I, that image that I have there is not what it was and how do I re, uh, incorporate myself back into that life.

I think there're a few elements that make Superman er, so popular. Er, you know, being heroes... we, we all love heroes. We, we love to be inspired by, by people and by things and er, Superman stands for everything that's great in humanity. I think, um, all the things we can inspire to as humans to become more like him.

And it was er.... it was very satisfying to, to let everyone see, um, at all the work that we'd done, um and to kick off a, a filming, you know, Superman's part of the film. Um, it was, it was very, very neat.

I think Lois originally wrote that article because she was so hurt. So I think the original motivation came from anger, fear, pain... um really what everyone feels when somebody they love leaves them and they have questions and they can't ask that person cause they're not there. Ur,I think she needed an outlet to vent that. She's definitely the type of woman that ur,...she thinks she doesn't need to be saved ever, you know, and er, she um, she'll just take care of things on her own. She's very independent. She's very driven, very strong-willed, which can be slightly frustrating for the man in her lives.

Josh, this is came through the fax. It's Lois's handwriting. I recognized it anywhere I just, no idea what the numbers mean.

The coordinates.

This is just off the coast. Jimmy, tell Perry I'm taking the seaplane.

And keep trying her cell.

Brandon assumes such a different personality and such a different posture, um, as Superman, which is, er, is really cool to see as well, to see how he plays Clark Kent compared to...Superman is such a subtle change. But it's a really incredible one as well.

Well, which article? I wrote dozens about them. I was practically a press agent.

I Spent The Night with Superman.

Richard, come on. It was the title of an interview. Plus, it was your Uncle Perry's idea.

...., no no, I know...I know it's ok, it's ok.

Richard, it's a long time ago.

Were you in love with him?

Hmm, he was Superman. Everyone was in love with him.

But were you?

Mr. Luthor, we're approaching the coordinates.

This is where he learnt who he was. This is where he came for guidance.

Tell me everything.

Superman is a, is a superhero, but he's also a man, and, and has all of the, I think emotional er, qualities that any human being has. He just happens to have these powers that allow him to fight against the evil, against the world.

Gods are selfish beings who fly around with little red capes and don't share their power with mankind.

No, I don't wanna be a god. I just want to bring fire to the people and I want my cut.

Before I read the script, Bryan talked to me about that it was gonna be er, it was gonna be a film that although it was gonna have all those elements of the comic book and,and certainly the, the level of humor that I think that certainly the downer er, films did, but that it was gonna be darker, and in particular Lex Luthor was going to be um, a character who wasn't quite the used car salesman, er... but more of somebody who's gone through so many changes and,and then feels that he's been so betrayed that he's now out for revenge.

Come on, let me hear you say. Just once...

You're insane.

No! Not that. No,the other thing.

Superman will never...


Bring it on!

What have you got, Olson?

Look, in the sky, Chief.

It's a bird.

It's a plane.

No, look, it's...

You wanted to see me?
