
   fill me in 告诉某人;让某人了解一些状况

  A: Really? You and Scott got married? Fill me in. It’s been five years.
  A: 真的吗?你和[font=Times New Roman]Scott结婚了?告诉我是怎么回事,都已经五年了。
  B: Scott is a wonderful man.
  B: 他是一个很好的人。
  fill in 替补
  A: Justin gave me a call. He can’t come in.
  A: Justin打电话给我。他不能来了。
  B: Anybody fill in for him?
  B: 有人代他吗?
  dirty work 卑鄙的工作;讨厌的工作
  A: All right. You go ahead. And sign this paper. I’ll do the dirty work.
  A: 好吧,你就把这份文件签了,剩下来的麻烦事就交给我了。
  B: Sounds good to me.
  B: 听起来不错。
  lame 差劲的
  A: How about that movie?
  A: 那部电影如何?
  B: It’s so lame.
  B: 太差劲了!
  pull one’s leg 开玩笑
  A: Did Richard really go abroad?
  A: Richard真的出过国?
  B: No way. He just pulled your leg. Did you believe him?
  B: 哪有可能!他只是跟你开玩笑。你还当真啊?
  shake a leg 赶快
  A: Something is on sale today?
  A: 有东西在打折吗?
  B: Yeah. The whole shop is packed. You’d better shake a leg.
  B: 是呀!整个店都挤满了人。你最好赶快去。
  kick back 放松一会
  A: I’m really beat. I need kicking back.
  A: 我好累``` 我得休息一下。
  B: Me too.
  B: 我也是。
  buns 屁股
  A: Hey! Staring at that girl’s buns! What are you doing?
  A: 嘿!你眼睛盯着那个女孩子的屁股看干什么?
  B: I’m not. I just like her skirt.
  B: 我没有呀!我只是喜欢她穿的那条裙子。
  armpit 脏而令人不舒服的地方
  A: Oh, man. This room is an armpit! How often do you clean it?
  A: 哎呀,老兄!这个房间脏得不像话,你多久打扫一次呀?
  B: Once a month.
  B: 一月一次。