澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-02-16(在线收听

 Our top stories this half hour.

Australian officials will attend a meeting at Indonesia's foreign minister today to be given details about the execution of Bali Nine ring leaders Andrew Chan and MYURAN SUKUMARAN .Indonesia is expected to outline the timetable for executions which could take place as early as this week.The foreign minister Julie Bishop says he hasn't given up hope for a last minute stay of the execution.
My sole focus is to put forwards the very best case we can to ensure that Mr.SUKUMARAN. and Mr. Chan have the execution stay.
Danish radio have named the man suspected of killing two people in a shooting spree in Copenhagen asOMAR EL-HUSSEIN.Police say the 22 year old had a history of gang related violence. He was shot dead by police after gun attacks on a synagogue and a cafe which killed two people and injuried several others.
Tony Abbott has signalling a new crackdown on national security in the wake of the deadly Martin place siege in Sydney in his latest video message.The PM has foreshadowed tough new rules surrounding the residency,citizenship and welfare payments.And Abbott says he will address the parliament about national security when it resumes next week.
And Australia's greyhound racing industry is in turmoil this morning following a Four Corner's investigation that has uncovered evidence of live baiting.The bad practice involves using small live animals in secret greyhound training session.The RSPCA and police raided five properties in three states last week after they were given the results of Four Corners' investigation.