美联社新闻一分钟 2006-03-23(在线收听

1. The prime suspect in grad student Imette St. Guillen's brutal death has been charged. Darryl Littlejohn denies raping, strangling and dumping the 24-year-old student's body last month in Brooklyn. Littlejohn was working as a bouncer at the Manhattan bar where Guillen was last seen alive.

2. President Bush says it's time to get an Iraqi government in place. The president continued to defend the war during a speech today in West Virginia. He told a crowd of 2000 in Wheeling it's important to stay the course.

3. Tense moments in Pittsburgh. SWAT teams moved in after an armed man was spotted on the roof of a downtown building this afternoon. It turns out it wasn't a sniper, but a man with a pellet gun looking for pigeons.

4. An unwanted tourist was on the loose in the Big Apple. This wily coyote named Hal was first spotted Sunday. The animal eluded officials until this morning when it was finally caught in Central Park.


1. prime :adjective [before noun]
main or most important:
e.g. The president is a prime target for the assassin's bullet.

2. strangle :verb [T]
to kill someone by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe:
e.g. She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.

3. SWAT team :noun [C]
Special Weapons and Tactics team, a specially trained group of police who deal with the most dangerous and violent situations

4. pellet :noun [C]
small metal objects that are shot from some types of gun:

5. on the loose :
If a dangerous person is on the loose, they are free to move around a place and harm people:
e.g. Brewer escaped from prison last year and has been on the loose ever since.

6. the Big Apple :noun [S] INFORMAL
New York City:

7. wily :adjective
clever, having a very good understanding of situations, possibilities and people, and often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim:

8. coyote :noun [C]
a small dog-like wild animal which lives in North America

9. elude :verb [T]
to not be caught by someone:
e.g. They eluded the police by fleeing
