美联社新闻一分钟 2006-03-25(在线收听

1. Tennessee officials say Marry Winkler confessed to killing her minister husband Wednesday and then leaving town with the couple's three young daughters. Winkler was arrested late last night after she was spotted in Alabama. She’s been charged with first degree murder.

2. They are getting their money back along with a flight home from Jamaica. About 2,600 passengers are being sent home after a cruise ship caught fire. A smoldering cigarette is suspected as the cause of the blaze that left one Georgia man dead and 11 others hurt.

3. Protesters jammed the streets of Phoenix. These demonstrators are protesting legislation that cracks down on illegal immigration. Similar protests are also being held in Los Angeles and Atlanta.

4. It’s a setback for slugger Barry Bonds. A judge has denied the request by the baseball player’s lawyer to block the authors and publishers of "Game of Shadows" from profiting from the book. The book claims Bonds used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.


1. confess :verb [I or T]
to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about:
e.g. He confessed to having slept through most of the film.

2. smolder :verb
to burn slowly with smoke but without flames:
e.g. The fire was started by a smouldering cigarette.

3. crack down :phrasal verb
to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way:
e.g. The library is cracking down on people who lose their books.

4. slugger :noun [C]
baseball player who hits many extra-base hits
