萌翻天的小动物 你学会与他们有关的俚语?(在线收听

   An idiom is a combination of words that have a symbolic meaning. Understanding and using idioms is tricky because an idiom’s meaning is different from that of the words that comprise it. We know it’s hard, but we’re here to help!

  萌翻天的小动物 你学会与他们有关的俚语?
  Alright, lets begin with “dog-eat-dog”.
  This expression refers to a place or situation that is highly competitive. In a dog-eat-dog world, people will do whatever it takes to be successful, even if that means harming others.
  Here’s an example: “The music industry is dog-eat-dog; one day you’re on top and the next, everyone forgot you!”
  萌翻天的小动物 你学会与他们有关的俚语?
  What about “cat got your tongue?”
  This question is used when someone is at a loss of words or being unusually quiet. If someone asks you if the cat has got your tongue, it means you seem to be speechless and can’t think of something to say.
  如果某人问你if the cat has got your tongue, 那么它表示你(因惊讶、尴尬而)一时失语,不知说什么好。
  Why won't you answer my question? Has the cat got your tongue?
  你为何不回答我的问题? 你成了哑巴了吗 ?
  What’s the matter Lucy, cat got your tongue?