绿箭侠第一季 第19期:吐露心声(在线收听

   Attorney for shipping magnate, Martin Somers, has confirmed his client has no intention of testifying maintaining his innocence in the wrongful death of Victor Nocenti.

  航运大亨的律师 马丁·萨默斯已经确认他的委托人无意出庭作证,对维克多·诺森蒂的异常死亡他坚持自己无罪
  Nocenti's body was found four weeks ago. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available.
  Wait, how did you get those?
  等等 你身上这些都是哪儿来的
  Don't you knock?
  No, wait...Mom said that there were scars, but... Oliver, what happened to you out there?
  不 等等 妈妈说你身上有伤疤 但......奥利弗 在那里你都经历了什么
  I don't want to talk about it.
  Of course you don't. You never want to talk to me about anything. Except for my social life.
  Wait! Where are you going?
  Why should I tell you?
  I'm sorry, Thea. I need to get better at talking about what happened to me there. But I'm not ready yet. Okay?
  我很抱歉 西娅,我得调整好自己来谈论我在那儿经历了什么,但我还没准备好,好么?
  Do you have a second? Yeah.
  Good. I wanna show you something out back.
  Sometimes, when I felt...Whatever...I'd come here.
  About a month after the funerals, Mom stopped going out.
  葬礼一个月后 妈妈开始把自己关在家里
  Pretty soon, she stopped talking altogether.
  The house got so quiet, so I'd come here. To talk to you.
  屋里一片死寂 所以我就来这儿跟你说话
  I mean, stupid stuff. Like what I was doing that day, what boy I had a crush on...
  说的都是些很傻的事,告诉你我那天做了什么 迷恋上哪个男孩
  And then sometimes, I'd ask you, beg you, to find your way home to me.
  有时候 我会要求你,恳求你回家 回到我身边
  Now, here you are. And the truth is, I felt closer to you when you were dead.
  现在 你就在这里,但说实话 我却觉得和死去的你更亲密些
  Look, I know it was hell where you were. But it was hell here too.
  You gotta let me in, Ollie. You gotta let someone in.
  你得对我敞开心扉 奥利,你总得对谁敞开心扉吧
  Hi. Are you okay? There are two cop cars outside.