Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(1)(在线收听

   Unit 7. Transportation.

  Part 1. Warming up.
  A. Keywords. weather, around the world.
  Vocabulary. Amsterdam, Bogota, Dublin, Istanbul, Warsaw.
  You are going to hear the weather forecast for some cities around the world.
  Supply the missing information in the chart.
  It's a pleasant 76 degrees here.
  For those of you travelling tomorrow, here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world.
  In Amsterdam, it should be clear tomorrow with a high of 82 and low of 70.
  Athens is also expected to be clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70.
  Bangkok will be cloudy with a high of 90 and a low of 75.
  We also expect Beijing to be cloudy, with a high of 96 and a low of 64.
  In Bogota, you'll need your raincoats with rain expected and a high of only 56.
  At night, the temperature will go down to 48.
  It will also rain in Cairo, but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73.
  Dublin will be cloudy as it often is at this time of year with a high of 75 and a low of 55.
  Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70.
  While in Moscow, the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with temperatures only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night.
  If you don't want hot weathers, stay away from New Delhi, where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies, and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80.
  For a beautiful day, go to Warsaw with the skies will be clear and the temperature of a pleasant 79 degrees going down to 59 in the evening.
  And that's it for weather around the world.
  B. Keywords. Can you tell me where? How do I get to...? I'm looking for... Do you know where...
  Vocabulary. Town and Country Bank, Porter Street, Eighth Street, Jackson Street, Center Hotel, Center Street.
  B1. You are going to hear two conversations about someone asking the way.
  The people are at the spot marked "X".
  While listening, follow the speakers with the map.
  Locate the places the speakers are trying to find.
  Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
  The nearest bank... Yeah, the closest one is on Washington Street.
  Where is that?
  OK, go left, at the corner, turn right and go straight for three blocks, you'll see the bank.
  I think it's the Town and Country Bank on the left.
  So at the corner right and straight for three blocks. Thanks.
  You're welcome.
  Excuse me. Do you know where the Center Hotel is?
  You must mean the one on Center Street, right?
  Yes, that's the one.
  Go right and turn left at the corner.
  The street there? Eighth Street?
  Yeah, that's Eighth, go straight down Eighth, and at the first traffic light, turn left.
  Left at the light.
  I think the hotel is the second building on the left.
  Second building on the left, I got it. Good, thanks.
  You're welcome.
  B2. Look at the map again. You'll hear another two conversations about someone asking the way.
  The people are at the spot marked "X".
  However, the directions people give are not correct.
  Listen to the recording, correct the wrong directions.
  Pardon me, how do I get to Porter Street from here?
  I'm not from around here, you'd better ask someone else.
  Excuse me, how do I get to the Porter Street from here?
  Porter Street, Porter Street. Oh, yeah, that's not far at all.
  Go right here and go down Eighth Street. uh, that's left at Eighth.
  Take the second left, that's Center street.
  At the next street, you'll come to a traffic light.
  On Center or on Eighth?
  On Center, at the light, turn right. The next street is Porter.
  OK, thanks a lot.
  I'm looking for the subway station.
  Are you going by car or on foot?
  On foot. Why? Is it far?
  Well, it's a good 15 minute' walk.
  That's okay.
  Go down to the corner and turn right at Sixth.
  Walk two blocks and turn left. That's Jackson Street.
  The station is on Jackson about a quarter of a mile from Sixth.
  So, I turn right at the corner and at the second street, I turn left and go down Jackson.
  That will take me right to the station.
  That's right.
  C. Keywords. signs, Great Britain.
  Vocabulary. junction.
  You're going to hear someone explaining some signs that you see on the roads of Great Britain.
  What meanings do these road sign carry?
  Write the key words and phrases in the given spaces.
  These are some of the signs that you see on the roads of Great Britain.
  NO.1 is a sign with the number thirty on it.
  When drivers see this sign, they mustn't go at more than 30 miles an hour.
  We see this sign when we get to the parts of the country where there are many houses and other buildings
  For example, when we are getting near a town.
  30 miles an hour is the speed limit.
  NO.2 is the sign is for the end of speed limit.
  We are out of the town now and may go at more than 30 miles an hour.
  NO.3 is a sign that we are near a cross-roads.
  That is a place where two roads cross.
  We must drive carefully.
  NO.4 is a sign that there's a bend in the road.
  Again, we must drive slowly and carefully.
  NO.5 is a sign that there's another road coming in from the right.
  This road joins our road. It's a road junction at this place.
  NO.6 is a sign that there's a hill.
  NO.7 is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully.
  NO.8 shows us a gate.
  There is a level crossing.
  This is a place where a railway crosses the road. The road and the railway are at the same level.
  There's no bridge. A level crossing is a dangerous place.
  Careful drivers stop or go very slowly.
  Is the gate across the road open or shut? Is there a train coming?
  NO.9 has the word "school" on it.
  This is a sign that there's a school at the side of the street or road.
  Perhaps there are children going to school or leaving school, so drivers must look carefully and go slowly until they are past the school building.
  NO.10 is a sign with the letter "P" on it. The letter "P" is for parking.
  A parking place is a place where drivers may leave their cars.
  If the driver of a car wants to leave his car and go to the shops, he looks for this sign.
  Then he knows that he may his car there.